
Friday, 20 February 2015

Forge World release: Stormhammer

So today we have been graced with the release of the Solar Auxilia Stormhammer super heavy tank. A gorgeous model which is a great addition to any Solar Auxilia force. If you have read through the rules in Conquest you will know exactly what I mean!! Looking forward to getting our hands on this and making this bad boy!

Hope you all like this tank, let us know your thoughts and what you would like to come next.

Darko Thane


  1. Need 3 for a leviathan list, to go alongside 3 war hounds in an opposing list and verse myself in apocalypse

    1. Wow. Send pics when you do lol.

    2. If you have 3 Stormhammers I would say you know all you need to know about Apocalypse :p

  2. That is one serious piece of hardware. I love the rules too. A great new Super Heavy addition that's been missing for so long. I still have my original Epic/Space Marine ones with the original chasis configuration of two twin-battle cannon turrets.
    Really looking forward to getting one myself.

  3. I so wish FW made that main cannon twin linked the tank is crying out for the double barrel like the epic model.. still cool but I can't help but think it every time I see it.

    1. Yup. Me too. Same reason I am slightly disappointed with the Falchion. It was never meant to be twin linked.

    2. Yeah I was thinking the Falchion would be A 7" twin linked blast like Macharius Battle cannon... 5" was a bit underwhelming :(
