
Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Luna Wolves Army

Hey all

So, I have been hard at work these last 2 weeks assembling what will be a massive Luna Wolves army. Tonight I thought it would be nice to share with you all my current work in progress list. 

As discussed in previous posts, Horus will count as a 450pt HQ unit with some simple modifications to his wargear. 

Legion Centurion - Master Of Signal: Digital lasers; Refractor field; Artificier Armour, Frag and krak grenades

9 Veteran Legionaire: Melta gun (1:5); 8× Power Weapon; 2× Volkite Serpenta; Special Rule: Furious Charge; + 1 Legionaire Sergeant (Power Fist; Artificier armour; frag grenades; krak grenades)
10 Justaerin Terminators: Power Weapon; Combi-Bolter; (1:5) Reaper Autocannon; (1:5) Multi-melta; + 1 Point offset mandatory
• Land Raider Phobos: Pintle Mounted twin-linked Bolter
2 Legion Contemptor Deadnoughts: Twin-linked lascannon; Multimelta
9 Destroyer Legionaires: 2× (1:5) Missile Launcher with Suspensor web and Rad missiles & Bolt Pistol ; + 1 Legionaire Destroyer Sergeant (Power Fist; Artificier armour; rad, fag and krak grenades; 3× Phosphex Bomb)

9 Legionaire: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Combat Blade; + 1 Legionaire Sergeant (power weapon; Artificier armour; frag grenades; krak grenades)
9 Legionaire: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Combat Blade; + 1 Legionaire Sergeant (power weapon; Artificier armour; frag grenades; krak grenades)
• Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier
9 Breacher Legionaire: Melta gun (1in5); Graviton Gun (1in5); + 1 Legionaire Sergeant (Artificier armour; frag grenades; krak grenades; Melta Bombs (sgt only))
5 Support Legionaires: Rotor Cannon; Legionaire Sergeant (Artificier armour; frag grenades; krak grenades; Augury Scanner)
5 Support Legionaires: Melta gun; Legionaire Sergeant (Artificier armour; frag grenades; krak grenades; Augury Scanner)
SoH - Dreadclaw Drop Pod

3 Outrider Legionaire: Power Weapon (1in3); 2× Bike twin-linked Plasma gun; + 1 Outrider Legionaire Sergeant
9 Reavers: 4× Power Weapon; Jump Packs; + 1 Reaver Chieftain (Power Fist; Artificier armour; frag grenades; krak grenades)
9 Reavers: 4× Power Weapon; + 1 Reaver Chieftain (Power Weapon; Artificier armour; frag grenades; krak grenades)

Legion Fire Raptor Gunship: 4 Hellstrike missiles
Legion Whirlwind Scorpius: hunter-killer missile

Primarch Horus

I have gone with some fast and heavy hitting options as well as only 2 Heavy Support and a Master of Signal, so that I can use the Rite of War. I have also tried to do roughly as many tactical marines as the total infantry in the rest of the army - this is due to fluff which can be found in the HH: Betrayal book. I can really imagine this list standing beside the Emperor on Ullanor.

Let me know what you think below. I am aiming for it to be as fluffy as possible - I don't care how competitive it is at all. 


  1. I don't think centurions can take digi lasers but other than that it looks great.

  2. And how does a Scorpius fit with the fast moving sons of horus speartip fluff?

    1. It's a bit of a mobile firebase, I would rather have gone for a Sicaran but unfortunately I don't think they would have been prevalent in the LW colours.

    2. What would you suggest instead? :)

    3. A Deredeo inside a dreadnought drop pod is about the same price I think.

  3. Slight problem with your list. The Master of signal is now a support Consul and can't be a compulsory HQ choice. FW changed that with the last FAQ. I run into the same problem when Angron(Lord of War) leads the World Eaters to battle. Now I added a praetor with a Boarding Shield and Thunder Hammer.

    1. I think it is a SOH rite of war or Legion trait which requires a Master of Signal. I was happy when they were put into a Support Consul class, wasn't happy seeing them everywhere I went lol.

    2. It is a support class. He has to be used alongside another HQ. We have house ruled the Primarch's as HQs as they are comparatively powered to Avatars or Greater Daemons.

  4. Aren't the outriders plasma gun upgrades an entire squad option? Meaning all or none?

    1. Hit submit before i could add;
      FLUFF for the win! Projects like this are done for the love of character and background. I to my hat to you sir!
      Can't wait to see them painted!

    2. oooh. That's my Bad. I created the Quartermaster template and forgot to force it as "for whole squad". Sorry Khall.

    3. I don't read it as they all have to. It's an option for each. If a squad all takes jump packs it says 'Squad may take jump packs at +xxpts per squad' saying each, as in the outrider listing, to me suggests it is an option. I will clarify with FW :)

    4. From FW:

      Thank you for your email. It means you can upgrade any number of the of the squad to take the weapon chosen at the individual points cost for each one upgraded. You do not have to upgrade all of them
