
Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Nick Kyme's Deathfire Novel eta July - Nov 15

Hi all. 

I know it is not groundbreaking news; but it is something we at the Bunny camp are really excited for after the great Vulkan lives and Unremembered Empire. Images have appeared on Amazon of the Novel now with an eta of November 2015. 
The Horus Heresy Novel release schedule has slowed down to a crawl which I am quite unhappy about. 

Spoilers below after the above 2 Stories. 

"The Salamanders fight to bear their Primarch's body home to Nocturne"

Wow. Apparently a Journey through the Ruinstorm is required to get the deceased Vulkan back to his homeworld. Now I for one don't want this to be Vulkan's last story before the Heresy ends, as he is such a fantasticly portrayed Primarch. The single heartbeat that was heard at the end of Unremembered Empire to me is evidence that the Ebony skinned double hard Primarch will wake on his journey or at the end. 
Now as it is into the Ruinstorm it can only mean the Word Bearers make an appearence. I would like to see Vulkan against another worthy enemy, maybe a Daemon Prince or similar to hear Vulkan's disgust at how far his Brother's Legions have fallen. 

I am a fan of Kyme's style of combat writing after the Salamanders' part in the drop site massacre in Vulkan Lives, so look forward to reading more. 

Drake Seta


  1. Another legion I am buzzing to start!

  2. I like his combat prose.

    Hated 50% of Vulkan lives, though.

  3. I seriously need to pick up some of the HH series, any one recommend any one book? I'd like to start from the beginning.

    Hoping Vulkan lives, 40k Primarchs sound too good.

  4. The first book is Horus Rising. There is a reading order on Black Library here -
