
Friday, 1 May 2015

Forge World release 1/5

Hi all, another Friday rolls around which means new releases from Forge World!! This week we have been treated to a couple of exciting new model(s).

First off is Samus. A Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm, spreading madness and slaughtering all before him in baleful frenzy, Samus is here! A hulking monstrosity, towering over mortals, Samus, a daemon of murder made manifest, was incarnated at the height of his powers as the walls between reality and the Warp were stretched thin by the Word Bearers’ dark rites at Calth. If his corporeal flesh was destroyed, he would soon return again to wreak havoc and claim more souls for the powers of Chaos, the sound of his name echoing through the Warp and in the minds of men.

Samus, Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm is the latest model in the Horus Heresy Character Series. Presented in a collectors edition black box, Samus can be built with his right hand clutching a dismembered Space Marine or as an open claw. Samus can be used in Word Bearers Legion armies and Codex: Chaos Daemon armies in Horus Heresy games. He can also be used in Codex: Chaos Daemons and Khorne Daemonkin armies in standard games of Warhammer 40,000.

We were very excited by this when we saw this at the Weekender and he looks great here, the age of the Daemon is soon upon us!!

Next from the releases is the anticipated Solar Auxilia command unit. The Solar Auxilia Tactical Command comprises six models including a Lord Marshal armed with a paragon blade and archaeotech pistol, and a full Auxilia Tactical Command Section consisting of a Strategos, Proclaimator, Vexilarius, a Veteran Auxiliary with meltagun and Veteran Auxiliary with grenade launcher. Also included are optional helmeted and unhelmeted heads for both the Lord Marshal and Strategos.

These look fantastic and are a welcome release for any Solar Auxilia force.

So that concludes today's releases. What do you guys think? What would you like to see come next? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below :)

Darko Thane


  1. That SA command squad is absolutely superb, can't fault it in any way.
    Not entirely sure about the bright red paint scheme on Samus, could just be the photography though, apart from that he looks great.

  2. That Command section though, the Lord Marshal is superb and expect it to crop up in a lot of imperial armies. Wasn't expecting Samus to be an aligned daemon, glad it's the best god though! Did you guys catch the date for their open day? July 5th I think it was.

    1. Yup most of us will be going! Can't wait!!

    2. So is there defo gonna be an open day this year?

      I'd love to go but wondered if the grand opening might have replaced it?

    3. Apparently it is the 5th of July. Just waiting for tickets to go on sale again!!

    4. Great. Thanks for that, I'll keep an eye out for tickets too.

  3. I love the SA command. It's really like looking at the past of the militarum tempestus body armor (well, it kinda is).

    BTW, do you know when Dark Angels legion will come out? 2016 maybe?

    1. I am not sure. I think we could be pleasantly surprised and find them in book 6.

  4. At the risk of sounding too gushing, I think this command squad is the best bit of sculpting FW have ever done. I love it, especially the Strategos. He's almost a one man diorama.

  5. Always thought Samus was brilliantly done in Horus Rising. Really enjoyed those bits.

    Quite surprised he's a Khorne Daemon though... always struck me as Slaanesh.

    1. I always thought either Undivided or Tzeentch. Lovely model, not as how described though I think.

  6. That command squad is a dream come true for everyone involved in Inq28, that's for sure...
