
Monday, 27 July 2015


Here we have the proverbial Holy grail of Horus Heresy Awesome just gone up on the Internet. Mk4 plastic kits are on their way as well as an Iron Warrior looking Praetor and regal Mk4 Praetor. 

Tigris Boltguns, power fist and Combi weapon too!

2 bare heads a sergeant crest and plasma Pistol. Melta Bomb too. 

Missile launcher, heavy Bolter plasma gun chainsword, power sword, Lightning Claw are present. 

Praetor in Cataphractii plate sporting a Combi Bolter and Chainfist. The other character on the Sprue is a Praetor in mk4 with Power mace and Plasma Pistol. Both could be construed as totally generic though. This goes with previous rumours.

Looking forward to more news on these soon!
What do you think this will coincide with?

Drake Seta


  1. when i saw these a moment ago i got a bit excited .... looking forward to seeing more about this and whatever it will be part of ... if i had to guess i would say a board game type setup.

  2. Thats a MK4 chaplain and a cataphractii praetor.

    Im so angry by this release. I have so much resin! Will have to wait and see the quality.

    1. Think on the bright side. It'll be so much easier to fill out your grunt squads.

    2. I agree. A Legion can be a Legion now. Just hope FW keeps the rulesets going and lets GW make the base / stock minis . . . and a Plastic Thunderhawk. Come on with every other blessing GW give us kit-wise at the moment we have to expect that within a year!

  3. If this is true, may the God-Emperor protect my wallet.....

    1. And thine Emperor look' down upon all his followers and their empty wallets and said upon to them "Let there be Plastic Heresy kits" and the people said; it was good.

    2. I will carve these words on the walls of my home. xDDD

    3. Lol.
      Welcome to Battle Bunnies Sr. Dies.

  4. These must be from the HH starter set surely?
    A Praetor and Chaplain plus a tactical squad with all options?
    Everyone know that only the 'Red Marked' work as what we currently understand as a Tactical squad.
    Otherwise everyone carried bolters.
    The fact that it includes Hvy Weapon option suggests either a MK IV armour variant box which will be followed with a MK III to coincide with the recent Chapter up grade blisters. Or that these are for the HH starter box?
    That's my outlook.

    1. Yup. We have been seeing Forge World do some strange releases for a while (since the Imperial Fist Upgrade packs) so we knew this had to be coming.
      My thinking with the set is: yes it could be used as a Tactical Squad in 40k, but also with enough tactical purchasing (5 sets) you could easily start having 5 man Tactical Support / Heavy weapon squads etc in abundance.
      The average Space Marine Player will buy about 30 Tactical/Devastator marines, so it is not much more to ask for the additional 20 to get a Legion size force really. A 50 man Legionnaire army for circa &125 is fantastic. My Night Lords may be bigger than I expected.

      still not sure if we will see mk2 or mk3 though. Can't imagine the mould in plastic for either would be easy without losing a ton of detail.

    2. It's really weird for a starter set, in my opinion. None of this is snap-fit. The Chaplain and Praetor fit together like clampack characters, and the MKIV sprue would definitely require glue.

    3. Yes. But would it work any other way? Nope. If it did it would take it completely from FW and they could not release upgrade kits for these units.

  5. Awesome! I have been holding off on starting a 30k legion for over a year in the off chance that these rumours turned out to be true! Looks like it might have actually been worth the wait. Definately looks like a starter box with the clip together look of the cataphractii praetor.

    My hope is that they don't go much further than this, and instead start selling FW in stores. That way we have plastics to form the core of our armies, complemented by specialist (and beautifully sculpted) FW resin units and characters!

    Super amped now!

    1. They will undoubtedly release this in time for the christmas summer holidays too! (southern hemisphere).. Now - which legion should I start?

      World Eaters are my prefference but I suck at painting white.. Anyone got some hints?

      Otherwise I guess its Blood Angels, just in time for their FW rules.


    2. Forgeworld has a great tutorial for painting white somewhere. It basically involves grey, white, wash, white. I think the wash was a mix of a couple of colours... maybe nuln oil mixed with a blue wash?

    3. There is a great guide for a sponge effect World Eater paint scheme on the Download section of FW's site. Otherwise the new HH masterclass book which is coming out will be a great source!

  6. Expecting to see Cataphractii and a Contemptor soon.

    1. Here's hoping plastic Cataphractii means resin shoulder plates and/or torsos for the legions from Forge World.

  7. Dear Forge World,
    Just take my money!!

    In all seriousness though this is what I've beem waiting for as previously even thinking of buying tactical squads was expensive!

  8. Could the seting be after the events of the HH... why else would there be only one of each special/heavy weapon unless they are Vets perhaps.

  9. My nearly 300 infantry are crying. Yet I'm glad. This will get more people into 30k and give more variety. I'm sure we won't be crying over our purchases having been able to pick the styles we like best

    1. Yeah I agree. They will be slightly different to the resin ones, but not going to be too different.

  10. It's a good point that's only been touched on, the weapons available don't conform to a 30k army list so I suspect this set is intended to be used with 40k rules. are these plastics coming out of FW or GW? I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere (or I may have missed it...)

    1. If it is a two force starter set then it has to be circa 50 mk4 Legionnaires (any less would not feel like a Heresy game). 25 a side. You and your box-buddy could easily divide one side to have Heavy Bolters and the other to have missile launchers or similar. Makes good sense really.

      Watch for FW to start selling mk4 heavy weapon support arms and 5 Heavy weapons in packs.

  11. Eeek!!! Mk4 plastics, my personal favourite armour style! while this is all exciting and earth shattering for Heresy players, I hope it doesn't restrict the choices of resin we will have in the future. I'm hoping mostly for line infantry by GW, tacticals, heavy support, tactical support etc etc, I like having the resin for my more elite fists. But excited nevertheless!

  12. This may come across as snobby and elitist, but I am not too happy about this. I have spent a lot of time and money buying a forge world resin army with the appropriate upgrades and elements. To then have the market/scene flooded with plastic mk4 marines in all legion colours will make me sad. I have something special and GW trying to jump on the hugely successfully heresy band wagon for money purposes is sad. Especially if they introduce their own "superior" rule set

    1. You'll still have something special because it'll show that you very carefully built your army with good attention to detail. Having more Heresy opponents isn't a bad thing, and I'll always feel that welcoming more people to the hobby is great. More people to nerd out about this stuff with? Yes please.

      Beyond that, let's get it out of our heads that GW is somehow sniping Forge World on this. Forge World is GW. When GW released the Baneblade variants in plastic the Forge World ranges didn't shrink. Forge World exists to complement GW lines, and GW expanding their lines generally means Forge World will too.

    2. Oh I know FW is GW, just seems a bit cheeky is all

    3. I do get where you are coming from and 30k did feel really special where you had to buy your Legionnaires from Forge World instead of GW. It also immediately put it into a relatively uncollectible level for most people so Heresy had a more mature / discerning clientele, thereby raising the old fluff fans from the 11 year old collector. That will change again now as many people would not start it just because of the price will now be jumping onboard (a fancy Carribean cruise just became a Butlins on water and you have to mingle).
      Saying all that though I am excited about these kits coming out and don't really attend the local GW for 30k games anyway, so won't be gaming against young teenagers.

  13. Interested to see how these plastics turn out. I'm hoping to see a good basic range produced but all book and rule writing staying in forgeworlds hands! Also by taking out the marine making from forgeworlds production should create more space in the range for more awesome models!

    1. Hi Andy.
      Yes I agree. If rumours are to be believed; there will be an Age of Darkness box which will have core rules (40k like) to cement the gaming standard for 30k and allowing G-Dubs to start going Age of Sigmar on 40k.
      For 30k fans this is a good thing. I hope we see compatibility for other Xenos ranges in there for Great Crusade playability.
      But all in all; FW have done such a great job of the Horus Heresy that I hope G-Dubs don't get involved.

  14. I heard a funny story earlier. Apparently these pictures almost broke the Internet.
    Ha ha ha lol
    So many GW/FW fans logged in at the same time Warseer's server provider wet themselves and they thought it might melt.

    Clearly the above statements aren't factually correct and I take no responsibility for them being passed on as truth lol

    1. I heard these pics created pile ups on the M1, 2 classroom riots and the flooding in Egypt. . .

  15. It looks like they could be easy to get a lot of painting on on the sprue, which would make them very easy to churn out a lot quickly.
    I hate to say it but actually feel bad for Forge World with this leak, it will make what ever kits they have in stock impossible to sell. I was looking at my next purchase of some heavy support squads but I'll be waiting for the plastics now. Maybe this will speed up the realise of what ever this is, or god forbid, make forge world put some of their stock on sounds crazy, but until today so did plastic thunderhawk.

    1. Honestly i'm still considering going with FW's mk4, i think the legs and the backpacks are worth it, but i know what you mean, i did have second thoughts when i saw these.

    2. There's a lot of variety in the FW mk4 kit so I'll still be buying those to compliment these. I don't see any studded shoulder pads or chest plates in here, and studs are my favourite thing!

    3. There are some studded ones if you go to the Warseer link. :)
