
Friday, 7 August 2015

Forge World New releases 07/08/2015

Hi all. Our favourite time of the week. 

Forge World have released the Rapier Quad Mortar. Happily it also has 2 mk4 crew as well. Would be great if you could choose the crew / buy seperately. 

Pintle weapons! And mk4 aiming arms. About time :)

We also have the Iron Warrior Transfer sheet! Noticeably it has 2 additional flags (which makes me happy as I was not totally sold on the bottom right one). The detail is amazing. Also seeing what else she had in the works at the open day was awesome and an incredible change to the old transfers' details. 

We also have Titan Transfers. 

Considering the Legio specific ones are coming out we must assume these are for generic / Fan designed Legios. 

Drake Seta


  1. Loving those rhino weapons, a rhino with a meltagun!

    1. Melta-rhino sounds scary as hell!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Been waiting for those thudd guns for a long time now. Now is just a matter of waiting to see if the rumors are true and what specials there will be when you order off of GW

    1. Looking forward to learning more about these specials too!

  3. The Rapier Quad Mortar looks the business. Since seeing the preview of it a couple of months ago its been on the list of "must" needs. Looks like the marines are being supplied with 32mm bases too.

    1. Yeah we are all going that way now too.

    2. I like the idea of characters having larger base, but not anything less!

    3. Thankfully there's a number of places that'll sell you base rings to fit onto 25mm bases to bring them up to 32. Saves you some of the trouble of rebasing.

      Though I think I may just buy a big bag of 32s now that I'm doing my Heresy army. Really do them up right from the start. It'll give me a little more space to play with for the desert bases I'm planning to do.

  4. Sad that there is only1 heavy bolter in the vehicle weapon set. Plan on needing a few of those! But I'm really glad there are a couple multi-meltas!
