
Saturday, 14 November 2015

Legion in a Day - part 1

So here we are with our Legion in a Day project. We are aiming to construct and paint everything in the Betrayal at Calth boxset.

This consists of the 30 tactical marines, 5 cataphractii and the Contemptor. The two characters we are undecided on what to do with these so we will be mainly concentrating on reporting for. 

So far we have clipped, trimmed and glued the legs to bases, and sanded the bases for all of the models. The Contemptor itself has been fully built.

Heres a look at where we are right now:

Next we are working up all of the marines. Check back soon for our next wave of progress!!!

What are you doing for your boxset? Let us know in the comments below :)

Darko Thane


  1. Going good. Come on the 1st Legion. Can't wait to get involved later.

  2. I'm assembling mine right now. There are some great touches in there, like the blade scabbards glue onto the backpack rather than the waist, meaning they finally fit perfectly. Also, you get 11 bodies and 22 shoulder pads per 10 men, meaning I can put the spares onto my vehicle hatches as crew.

    1. Nice spot - I will have to remember that...

    2. Good Shout Matt. Have to look at them when I get to them. Take it there is no way to do a Bayonet now.

    3. Unfortunately no bayonets using purely the Calth Tactical Squads, but I'm sure a lot of us have well stocked bits boxes with 40k combat knives or resin chain bayonets!

    4. Unfortunately no bayonets using purely the Calth Tactical Squads, but I'm sure a lot of us have well stocked bits boxes with 40k combat knives or resin chain bayonets!

  3. Looks awesome.
    I built my dread this morning, and will build some tactical marines tonight. Looking forward to the next update.

  4. Good going guys! I hope you're working in a well ventilated room! Haha

  5. Mine is in the mail right now! I plan on doing the XX, Alpha marines. I'm going to get Dynat a set of the praetors, a few torsos and a few mkiv alpha heads set. You guys have really inspired me to get back into the hobby

    1. That's great Mark! That set really has set the hobby world alight!

    2. Thanks Mark. Means a lot to us all. Please share pics with us when done :)
