
Monday 21 December 2015

Battle Bunny's Tree topper.

Ladies, Gentlemen and Bunnies. 

Here is our last Tree ornament; the Imperial Aquila of the Great Crusade. 

We are very happy how the tree turned out and we are already coming up with some great ideas for next year. 

One last little supposition that Kaelo and I have bounding between us is what they are going to do with the Custodes and Sisters of Silence. We know the models will be insanely popular, and as recently GW have taken the MKIV Legionnaires, maybe this is an example of what is to come. 
Think about it, Prospero was meant to be book 4, it got pushed back. Why? Maybe the reason is FW knew they would not be able to keep up with their production or maybe GW wanted to make the range themselves. 
"Hey FW, hold Prospero back a few years, we want to do the plastic range for Custodes and Sisters of Silence/battle" then they pick up the phone to Laurie Gaulding. 
"Hey Laurie, we are doing plastic Sisters of Silence and Custodes. We don't want to do end times 40k yet, so can you create a story with all the top writers which has most of the 40k races reaching Terra so we can get the Custodes and Sisters of Silence involved."
"Yeah sure, I will get on it, be ready by end 2016."
Beast arises is created, Sisters of Silence are in art work already. 

What do you think?

Drake Seta


  1. Drake, had you guys imbibed Christmas cheer? Would love it, but really don't think sisters will happen. At this time squats seem more likely....

  2. The Alpha Legion decoration is the best :)

    1. Welcome Scrambles :) it is a lovely colour for sure.

  3. Nice theory! I feel something big game wise will be coming from the Beast Rises series and this could be it! It's a good way for GW to get a cross over between 30k and 40k and is a way to have more of the GC and HH weapons and vehicles around but while also allowing the new armour and armoury in as well!

    1. And the tree and the topper look awesome! :D

    2. I agree the tree topper is awesome!

    3. Lol. Squats are about again "the Squat Homeworlds are thriving" just give it time :)

    4. My guess is they will be saved to save a poor quarters results ala knights and admech.

    5. I would love to get Squats ... and Chaos Squats with nice hats *_*

  4. The tree looks awesome... What you gonna do next year to beat it tho ;-)

  5. I noticed that now the MKII Crusade Amour, MKIII Iron Armour, and MKIV Maximus Armour are all sold out no longer available. Do you think GW is going to do all 3 MKs ? Is this only due to Christmas demand? Also.. Do you think HH is going Main Stream and if so, what would GW release for it. A rumor said Tacs, asault/despoiler, tax support/heavy support, contemptir, deimos rhino/predator in Q1 or so... What do the Bunnies think?

    1. Hi. Apparently it is to do with a reworking of the kits so they are compatible with the hands holding weapons. Expect back in January.

    2. But yeah. I do envision a lot of the kits heading to plastic. Sicaran is almost certainly too. Rhino might be too. The MKII and MKIII could be a way off though (probably will be done to tie in a box game release such as Ullanor for MKII / MKIII and a great crusade-esque expansion - If I was in charge that is).

    3. Why couldn't the Mk sets be both resin and plastic? I mean there are some other kits that are basically the same that are produced by forge world and GW right?

    4. I reckon FW will carry on selling mkIV providing they keep the numbers up.

  6. Oh no. PLEASE no plastic custodes. They will really cut into quality.
