
Monday 28 December 2015

Forge World bulletin 28/12

So the new bulletin from Forge World has been released, and Raven Guard players must think this their month right now!!

Shown in the article it states that Corax will be available very soon, making availability at the birthday event certain for sure now. But with that statement comes this picture:

Looks to be none other than the start of the Dark Fury Assault squad. Now I remember the rules for these guys amd Im pretty certain that RG players are going to love having these models!!! Again these are tipped for having an imminent release so I would think they focus on the release in the next week or two.

Also peeked at is the elusive Horus Heresy Masterclass book. This has been teased to us for nearly a year now but it seems the first book is making an appearance:

I for sure am very excited for this to come out. It states it will be a very 'hobby new year' (god i love puns!!) so this would also indicate a release very soon.

So there we are guys. I imagine a very happy group of players will be waking up this morning. Let us know what you think of the Dark Fury in the comments below.

Darko Thane


  1. Been looking forward to the masterclass book since it was first revealed! Glad it's nearly here! That Dark Fury model is really nice!!

  2. I've been thinking about getting the FW masterclass books for some time, but knowing that there was a HH one on the way I was waiting to see if it was worth it, looking forward to see some review of it to decide.

    The Dark Fury is looking good, but I think it would be nice for them to have a different helmet, I know that RG are the beakie legion, but their special units could use some little variation of it as we've seen with most other legions.

    1. Hi Elzender. The masterclass books are some of the best hobby repositories of all time. I would thoroughly suggest any Long haul hobbyists get them as soon as possible!
      Can't wait for this book.

  3. When will we see Remus Ventanus ?

    1. Lol. Soon hopefully, but we have been saying that about Tarvitz for years!! :)

    2. Well i got free shipping in january and would love it if he made it in January :D

  4. That dark fury looks fantastic imo. Awesome.

  5. Omg yes yes yes! Its like christmas all over again :D

  6. The torso looks very blood Angels don't you think?

    1. Yes, just like the back pack. I imagine that the concept was a sangurie guard, but Ravened up a bit.

  7. Any word on the iron warriors brass templates?

    1. Lol. Welcome Poops.
      They are finalised and probably being wrought currently. Expect in January. I need some too!!

    2. Thank you for the welcoming. This is such happy news, I have been eagerly waiting for them.

  8. What's that vehicle on the bottom right of the Masterclass book? Is it a Dracosan?

    1. Yup. A Dracosan. Ultima Segmentum Dracosan.

  9. I wonder if that is the typical Dark Fury, or if that model is the Choser of the Slain?

    1. I think it is a regular Legionnaire. The helm is so bereft of additional detail that it just has to be.
      Great models and packs in my opinion.

  10. I hope, they have painting guides on all legions. It would suck to wait another few years for them.

    1. Me too. They give us most of the paints, but no info on how to use them for the now official schemes.
      I dearly hope they do for the Vlka Fenryka. I have the Night Lord colour and it is great. Just hope the guide gives a concise "this is how it should look/be used".

  11. Love the Dark Fury, nice that the Raven Guard are getting their unique models, here's hoping the Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion get theirs soon.

    1. Welcome Dalton. Apparently a squad was made for the Havocs, but they weren't sure to hold back as a Black shield squad instead because of their aesthetics.
