
Sunday, 13 August 2017

Vlka Fenryka Cataphractii model

Here is a lovely looking model. Not sure if it is a Praetor or the Varagyr, but it is promising.

Ikthelion and Ahmose


  1. I'm guessing Praetor since the pattern seems to have switched to upgrade parts for the elite Terminator units. Does look good though!

  2. Nice to see him up close, couldn't really see anything on the twitch feed when they teased him

  3. Are we all looking at thw same model? That is shockingly bad. I only hope the detail is unfinished and they fix the anatomically drastically incorrect leg

    1. Ok maybe leg not so bad but damn the detail is disgusting for a model fw expect you to buy

    2. It's clearly unfinished by the material it's cast in.

  4. Yeah looks like a third party model. Apparently this is one of the Varangyr squad.

  5. Yeah looks like a third party model. Apparently this is one of the Varangyr squad.

  6. Finally, some new legion specific doors! New Heresy versions for the Dark Angels, Deimos versions for the legions, and finally the Sons of Horus have doors/armour panels. Always thought it was weird that the main antagonists of this whole story never had the simplest upgrade that virtually every legion has received. I don't even collect them and I think it's great!! Now release the Horus Heresy Rulebook

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. As a starting point I love the look of this guy. Yeah, the details aren't all there yet but his pose is dynamic without being cartoonish and he isn't all Wolfy McWolferson'd out like his 40k counterparts. I hope this is a praetor though, I was looking for the Varagyr to be a bit bulkier, maybe some spikes on the shoulder pads like in some of the artwork, maybe a shoulder pelt, and definitely the weapon options from the book. I am a huge fan of the knotwork that is so far on the model, those kinds of details on the shoulder guard and knee pad are just gorgeous and will be a joy to paint. I'm really looking forward to these being released and I'm glad I haven't just converted my Betrayal at Calth cataphractii yet so I can more easily justify getting these guys.
