
Friday, 8 September 2017

Legio Custodes: Telemon Dread


We have added a Telemon Dread to the groups Legio Custodes force. I was given the honour of assembling it. I have to say that I wasn't a huge fan when I saw the model originally, however getting to assemble it has changed my mind. It is a great kit and went together very well. I was also surprised at how large it is!

He comes with a big base and I wanted to make use of the space with the pose. It is big and powerful, again I wanted to get this into the pose. Big striding steps swinging the fist to kill it's foes. 

We are looking forward to getting some paint on him and seeing what he can do on the table! Anyone else have one? What are your thoughts on the model and rules?

Happy hobby!



  1. That pose has so much action I'm looking for the Kung-Fu grips. Love it.

    1. Thanks! I love posing dreads!

    2. Absolutely, I'm always impressed with your posing skills. Something I try to emulate with little success!

    3. I start with blue tac to get a rough layout of pose. I often add green stuff into some of the joints or under the feet to give a greater range of movement and as this is unseen most of time it doesn't need to be very neat! I try and do the pose with my body as well to make sure it make sense that it would be moving that way. Would a future post of the subject be useful for you?

    4. That would be a very interesting read, definitely. As the rest of the comments on here show, I think we would all appreciate a peak at your secrets! Thanks.

  2. The pose makes a huge difference to the model.

    1. Agreed! I'm not a fan of static dread poses!

  3. You are the Dreadnought pose Master. It looks awesome. Well done.
