
Saturday, 2 January 2016

Epic, Blood Bowl, Dark Furies, New Ordinatus Variant

Howdy Guys and Girls!

More stuff from the weekender:

Old classic EPIC (nothing new yet) - but it looks like a new cute titan variant! Edit: It's an Eldar one, thanks for the heads' up :P 

Blood Bowl - coming next season! There are also a lot of cool artworks for Dwarfes and Nurgle - this is going to be big :)

Dark Furies - love the claws on the squad leader, great models indeed!

New weapon variant for the Ordinatus - love it!

What do you think about the upcoming Specialist Game stuff? Raven Guard fans, do you like the Dark Furies? Tell us in the comments below ^.^

Lady Atia


  1. That's an old revanant model, don't get you hopes up just yet.

    Belicosa volcano, nice, like a Stormshadow on steroids!

    1. Indeed ^,^

      Yeah the EPIC stuff is still old one, BB will be the first old SG that's going to be re-launched afaik ^^

    2. Can't blame them, the success of dread ball must be visible from GW towers.

    3. Hi. It is the first they are working on, but another game like Adeptus Titanicus or similar could just pip it apparently as would need less work.

  2. The epic models there aren't that old. The titan is the most recent elder revanant scout titan. The models are 3rd edition epic - epic 40,000 not titan legions or earlier sadly.

    1. Yes. Whoever at GW approved the Tim Adcock titans should have been sacked. I guarantee it wasn't Jes. Incidentally that's one of the major mistakes that killed Epic.

  3. As a Raven Guard player I prefer painted Corax for sure, and the Dark Furies are nice.

    Can you get an idea of the price of the Mastadon? :)

    1. Estimated about £280-£350. Unconfirmed yet

  4. I wish they would finish Epic and Blood Bowl soon.

    Not a fan of the Raven Guard stuff, not even Corax. Really dissapointed.

    1. As far as I know Blood Bowl is the one they are working on most at the moment. See our previous posts for more info. Andy Hoare is the product manager for this and he now has his own sculpting team for this. Would imagine they will work on various projects here though so keep your eyes peeled!

    2. Go Andy! I loved his work on Codex Witch Hunters. I'm sure he will do a sterling job on this assignment.

  5. Andy said BB will be late 2016 but there MAY be a specialist game between now and then.

    1. ;) better start to dust off my old Deathwatch squad lol

  6. The Dark Furies are beautiful models. Love the Chooser of the Slain variant. I converted up some dark furies with lighting claws from the Calth set, but not the awesome terminator claws... Looks like I will need to rework the conversations. Thanks for bringing us all the news from the birthday!

  7. Was considering taking Raven Guard as well as Word Bearers, think I have to now!

  8. Not in the same list I hope Argel... lol

    I love the Dark Fury models! I may have slipped and bought 10 with Corax....
