
Saturday, 2 January 2016

Retribution book 6 - what's coming and more

So talking with a few of the guys from Forge World here are a few things we have learnt so far about the next book:

-Will be available from the Horus Heresy Weekender
-Rites of Wars for Blood Angels, Dark Angels, White Scars and Shattered Legions. Possible new Rites for certain legions
-Tylos Rubio is being worked on right now by Israel
-No characters/units for new legions
-There will be a Meduson character that can be used as a HQ for all Shattered Legion armies. As he is so close with the Raven Guard and Salamanders he can be used in different army lists with the alternative Rites of War
-Certain equipment will be mentioned for each legion such as multi plasma arrangements for the Dark Angels and a special Glaive hand to hand weapon for 
the White Scars.
-The Keshig will be upcoming for White Scars as well as a Bike squad (but not this book). 
-A new bike has been finished by Blake. 
-Mastodon and Stormbird will appear

Further info we have also found out:

-Darren Parwood is working on a new knight (A Heavy variant - Castellan like). 
-A new air field display board is being worked on / planned which will feature the new Stormbird and Thunderhawk Landing pad tiles, which is not being released until the Stormbird is finished (which is apparently so big it might go through the tile!!). 
Stormbird is currently in printing production. Possible first appearance at Weekender

Pics as per request:

(Additions will be added throughout the day, keep refreshing every so often)

Darko Thane


  1. Many thanks for all the info. What's the model on the left of the picture please? Looks New....

    1. colossus is my bet or the next thanatar

    2. Have provided pics as per request :)

  2. Its a tau unit. Preview pics from the next imperial armour book

    1. Will grab some pics in a bit :)

    2. there is anything images from Retribution?

    3. No was only a teaser sheet. Will be available from the Weekender

    4. That's just an XV-9 with Phased Ion Guns.

  3. Replies
    1. Either a Jetbike for Ravenwing or Bikes for scars?

    2. No information yet other than it may be a jetbike that is slightly sleeker than a Scimitar? Will provide more info when we find out more

  4. Huge thanks for the extra pics. Very kind and much appreciated :)

  5. Any word on upcoming Black Library releases?

    1. No talk of any Black Library releases today. Would imagine we will get more info when they show off at the Weekender. Id say keep checking their website for now until more gets announced :)

  6. Intriguing to see Red Scorpion Kharbydiss Assault Claw!

    1. According to the fluff, the Kharydbis fell out of favour during the wars of the Scouring, because of its temperamental Machine Spirit getting too attached to the usual occupants and inflicting unpleasant surprises on other passengers (mid-air decompression and the like). One can hypothesize that if the Red Scorpions have some Kharybdis Claws still knocking around, then they must be very old relics, straight out of the Heresy Era, and thus their occupants are, quite unsurprisingly...TRAITORS! Haha!

    2. They seem to have a leviathan dread too. They are probably employed only in the direst emergencies. You know, the type where you deploy both marines and Titans. I seriously hope the book states Gryphonicus are rebuilding.

  7. holla,
    are those artworks for a new IA book?

    1. Yep ^^

      Tau vs Red Scorpions and Legio Gryohonicus

    2. So no IA Mechanicus stuff yet? Curses

    3. Hopefully the imperials will actually win one for a change. Red Scorpions and legion Gryphonicus are my favorite loyalist...

    4. It will have some 30k mech stuff, but mostly tanks (and i guess thallax since they are mentioned in the skitarii codex) - don't get your hopes up for robots though :<

    5. That's a shame, ah well, should hopefully mean Skitarii get some lovely ad-mech flavoured transports with the Triaros

  8. So they will not include 30k mechanical units to 40k? :(

    1. they will include some, the Titans will have support from Gryphone IV with them - but don't get your hopes up for volkites or FW robots

  9. Any news on the updates to the first four legion's elites? I.e. are justaerin etc going to get the improvements they so sorely need?

    1. Yeah, in the new red legion campaign book coming out it will feature some changes to units across legions, as well as the inclusion of the Ultramarines

  10. Could anyone provide info about the campaign fluff for the 'Retribution' - battles, stories etc.?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Andy said there would be a new rite of war for every legion. The Raven Guard one is a combined one with militia. The Ultramarine one is a combined one with Solar Auxillia. The Word Bearer one is drop-podding Gal-Vorbak. I forget the others.

  13. Are the Red Scorpions getting any new models?
