
Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Legion Deimos Rhino - Unavailable

Hey all

Someone on BoLs is suggesting that this:

means there is a plastic version coming soon. You can phone Forge World and ask yourselves! Two of the Bunnies have and we both got the same response:

The reason that the Rhino is unavailable is because they are changing the product code. This is because all their tanks are being moved over to boxes instead of bags. This will affect the last 4 digits of the product code. It should be available in a few days.

Furthermore (and this is just my opinion folks) Forge World is aware of what Games Workshop is releasing months in advance, I believe they would of held off releasing the new command tank if the plastic was coming so soon.

So, although I think it's more of a 'when' situation than an 'if', I think that a plastic Deimos is still a way off.

Hope this clears it up a bit :) 



  1. Well in all fairness, nothing's stopping Forge World from planning ahead and making the Damocles bits "forward-compatible" with an eventual plastic Deimos Rhino. It wouldn't even be hard.

    1. No plastics, GW screws up almost everything they take from FW..I don't care if it's cheaper, the product ends up worse.
      In my opinion, GW does almost everything very well in plastic..except imperials, the flag ship race the setting is based on..eldar, tau, crons, nids..etc.. all awesome marines guard and sisters look terrible
      Leave the marines to fw

    2. FW are in charge of the specailst game studio. The main studio shouldn't be too involved if/when more HH plastic crack appears.

  2. some of the same people said something similar when the various mks of armor were being removed from the site. That they know plastics were coming because they heard from someone in the studio and blah blah blah..when in reality, the models are just being updated and will return soon enough.

    1. Yeah, the only reason the were unavailable was because they moved from bags to clam packs.

  3. The iron warriors mk IV dreadnought is missing too.

    1. Careful, someone might suggest it's coming in plastic O.o

    2. OMG confirmed by Kaelo, IW plastics read coming!!

  4. The new plastics are nice, it's a shame they didn't come out much sooner really.

  5. Honestly... I never wanted GW to touch Horus Heresy stuff... I wish they'd just left it to FW who've been getting it absolutely bang on from start 'til now and I know they will from now until the final model (Emperor/Empowered Horus diorama probably) is released and we go from the Horus Heresy into the Great Scouring!

    I just don't see the point in having Horus Heresy available in resin from FW and also plastic from GW, no matter how good GW's plastics are nowadays..

    I hope GW leaves their HH foray at the BaC set but sadly I think they're gonna try and continue with the success of it with Sicarans and all sorts.

    No matter what, I hope FW doesn't stop production of certain models/armour Mks etc, as I know I'd rather have all of my HH stuff in resin, direct from FW..
