
Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Setting New Year Goals - Lady Atia

Howdy Guys and Girls :)

Hope you've all had an awesome start to your New Year! I'll start 2016 with a brief look back and a glimpse into what the next 12 months holds for my hobby projects   =)

A look back - and a look ahead!

Well, let's take a look at some Hobby Highlights of 2015 - the Year of Khorne :D

Anaziel - a Mhara Ghal Dreadnought of the Word Bearers Legion - I made him for a painting challenge (I think shortly before FW announced their own Mhara Ghal :P) and will use his scheme for my other Word Bearers too!

Another highlight of 2015 were my Salamanders - I still have a few units to complete for them in the future!

This Sons of Horus Consul Delegatus was also made for a painting challenge - I wrote some cool lore for him (he is the Captain of the Ikon for those of you who know the SoH lore) and may feature more pics of him in a later post :)

Archmagos Draykavac - the first model for my future Dark Mechanicus army :)

A Thousand Sons Consul Praevian - there is some neat fluff about robot-controlling psykers so I needed to do one of them!

I also started to work on my Reaver Titan this year (Legio Fureans) - she is currently shelved 'till FW releases rules for 30k Skitarii though.

Last but not least - my Khorne Daemons. I'm really happy how they turned out, with An'ggrath being last years' final hobby project :)

And now - here is a list of things I'm looking forward to do 2016 - I probably won't finish all of this, but I have sorted it into three big chunks - The Shadow Crusade, The Knights of House Vyronii and the Orkimus Mekanikum - I aim to work on one of these at a time, with some one-off models between my projects! Oh, and I'm also looking forward to a new army release this year, but more to that in the future ;)

The Shadow Crusade - Betrayal at Calth

I really want to start with my Shadow Crusade/Calth themed armies - Ultramarines, Word Bearers and more Daemons. Samus will be the first model I'll paint this year, and I want to finish the components from one Betrayal at Calth set to play the game propperly with my new Love! Last but not least - my Zone Mortalis board also wants to see some paint this year :P

- 1500 points of Word Bearers
- 1500 points of Ultramarines
- Zone Mortalis Board
- More Daemons - the start of my Slaanesh and Tzeentch forces, aswell as some more Khorne stuff!

The Knights of House Vyronii

Another army I'm looking forward to start this year are my Knights of House Vyronii - I already own three of them - a Cerastus Knight Atrapos, a Questoris Knight Megaera and a Questoris Knight Errant - and just wait for the release of their transfer sheets :)

The year of the Xenos

2016 is the "year of the Xenos" - there is some awesome stuff in the plans for some Xenos action all the year round, including some really unique models from King Fluff. My Xenos army will be a Mek-themed force I call the "Orkimus Mekanikum" - or in other words, the Ork's answer to the Mechanicum forces at Ullanor! I'm really looking forward to this little project, as I have ideas for some weird, awesome stuff (and alot of dreds and tankz!)

One off projects

It's always cool to have some minor projects to paint between bigger ones - it allows to paint something new and different between larger blocks of the same scheme - so far I got my hands on the following "filler" models:

- The Agents of the Officio Assassinorum
- A Davinite Lodge Priest
- Navigator, Fleet Master, Astropath

Hope you enjoyed my first post this year, thanks for reading :)

Lady Atia


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Really looking forward to seeing your 2016 projects completed - especially the Zone Mortalis scenery.

  3. I still love your Numeon model! Currently working on idea for my own version!!

    1. Thanks Andrew :)

      Can't wait to see with what you will come up :D

    2. Im considering using terminator armour, I'm not sure if he uses it but I'll count it as artificer armour if people arent happy! As he is Captain of the Pyre Guard this seems reasonable? Thoughts?

    3. Yeah I think this would be doable - after all, Primarchs and Praetors/First Capains would have access to all kind of wargear they want - Numeon had Artificer Armour at Istvaan afaik, but as First Captain he would have access to Terminator Armour if he wants it - as long as he gets his volkite spear ;)!

    4. Yeah Artificer Armour was what I was aware of as well but my logic is same as yours! Definitely gets the volkite spear though! Thanks Atia

    5. Hi Atia, for the above do you think the forge world minotaur characters would be a good basis for Artellus and the chaplain Rhymun (sp)?

    6. The Minotaurs chaplain is great and I see him used alot for all kind of conversions - but for me, Minotaurs are descendands of another certain traitor Legion which works better with the grecian theme - but it depends how much you want to convert them. Numeon was a terran marine after all - I think it can work if you have a good concept for it, and manage it to 'mander both up :)

      Whoop wall of text, so last but not least, if it works for you, do it!

    7. Its more the pose of the model I was after, I've got the pads and heads etc to mander them both so going to give it a go and see what comes out the other side!! Anything grecian im going to file off! Thanks for the help!

    8. Ok - yeah awesome i think that will work pretty well - you should link both here when they are finished (build and/or painted!) :)

    9. If I can work out how to do it I'll definitely try and get a build photo posted! My ability to put any paint on models is shocking so that may have to wait!!

  4. Those Salamanders are lovely, may have convinced me to get some of them for myself! And I love the name 'Orkimus Mekanikum' alone, can't wait to see how you take them!

    1. Howdy Dr. Rocktapus you long-time lurker ^.^

      Glad you like them - and yeah, I'm so hyped for my Orks - it's going to be a scrappy mirror of the Mechanicum, showing how the Orks got inspired by the Lord of Mars and their titans and robots ^.^

  5. "Mek-themed" sounds intriguing and fun.

    1. Yeah :D

      Lots of dreads, tanks and even some tinboyz ^,^

  6. Hey Atia, that's a cool list, both of things done and things to do! All this talk of orks makes me want to get mine going again. Stompas?

    The ceratus Knights are my favourite models for building, so it's great you have one. You will face fun with it.

    The bunnies will be busy!

    1. Oh yeah Stompas are on my list - no Gargants though, I think they were created a bit later^^

      And yeah the Cerastus kit look ace, so many possible poses *_*

    2. Only fluff I know is the old Adeptus Titanicus stuff. They were definitely during the HH in that. They are a genetic or psychic response to human Titans (and probably eldar ones) so I can't see them not pre-dating the great crusade as FWs came under attack from orks. If FW do one, it will be retconned with the old lost records in 10k year excuse anyway :)

      Yeah, my Acheron is stepping on a B@C dread. And my lancer shipped today!!!

    3. Oh ok - I think Brotherhood of the Storm mentions the Orks building a giant titan, and that was something new and surprising for the Marines (and it plays after Ullanor) - but who knows ^.^

      But I want to add 2 stompers down the road!

  7. Great work.

    Will you be giving us the lowdown, on how you did the metalic red for your Wordbearers?


    1. Yep of course ^,^

      It's basically:

      - Metallic Basecoat
      - Silver Zenithal highlights
      - Silver edge highlites
      - Wash of Carroburg Crimson
      - Thinned down Blood for the Bloodgod
      - Another thin wash of Carroburg Crimson

    2. Fab. Thanks a lot ;)

  8. Hey lady! Everything looks great!
    Can't wait for the future projects.
    What's the new army comming out this year? Any hints?

    1. Thanks! :)

      Öhm yeah - it's an army made for us ladies and i think we may see some teasers for them next month ;) :P

    2. Ohhhhhhh are they holy? Pious? Filled with the ritoues fury of the emporers?

    3. Squats it is then... Riding big trikes with multi meltas...

      All ladies love hairy dwarfs. FACT

    4. Haha no I'm still talking about Sisters of Silence xD

      But yeah Squats would be adorable ^_^

    5. Ah. OK then. Close at least right?

    6. Yeah, atleast we will get some kind of Sisters xD

    7. The march to prospero starts in earnest!

  9. Great helbrute. Love that kit, and your conversions give me plenty of ideas on Word Bearer-ing mine up.

    Also looking forward to seeing your Davinites. The event model is great and I wish they'd made more to accompany him.

    1. Thanks ^.^

      I'm going to do another Helbrute and a Mara Ghal to accompany him ^.^ and some Gal Vorbak!

      Yeah, just doing the event only Davinite priest for now - he is indeed a pretty creepy model, would love to see a small allied army based on him :D

    2. It'd be neat if they gave the Davinites their own Provenance for the Warp Cults list, and/or a specialized unit to slot in.

    3. Oh yeah - well, I'll use mine as Cult Horde psyker - that way i can convert some Beastmen and Minotaurs too ^.^

  10. The Orkimus Mekanikum sounds like it's going to be awesome! Orks are great fun and I love putting loads of walkers on the table!! One day our Dread mobs will have to meet to annihilate the legions!

    1. You guys need a battle first to determine the true leader of the waaagh first.

    2. Haha! Fair point, but we all know that Goffs are the biggest and the best so we could just skip that bit! ;)

    3. But red is fasta and my Orks will get red paint ;)

      Ok ok, my Orks will work for you if you pay them enough teefs :P

  11. Atia, when you're not trying to buy GW out of stock are you buying tropical islands or financing revolutions instead? ;]

    (Keep it up and enjoy :D)

    1. Hey Mauler :D - tbh I'm more fan of castles and financing a network of spies ;)

      (Thanks! So hyped for Orks and Calth and Knights ^_^)
