
Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Daemons of the Ruinstorm: Great Spined Beast

Hi all. 
Today we continue with my Daemons of Tzeentch. This was my favourite model of the lot to paint and it was also my first Forge World big Mini. 

It is a great sculpt. The rules make it as a model which can soak up a bit of damage before succumbing. Especially when you give it a Mart of Tzeentch (well at least in IA2). 

I can't remember which paints I used for the model sadly. 

But it was very fun to paint. 

Anyway hope you had a good Easter. More from me soon. 

Drake Seta


  1. Looks a lot more impressive than the version on the Forge World site!

    Not familiar with the model though, are you using it for 30k and if so what *is* it / where are the rules? :)

    1. It's a "Spined Chaos Beast", rules can be found in IA volume 13 - it's either elite or heavy support choice for Chaos Daemons (not sure on that yet).

  2. The Mart of Tzeentch has been under investigation for deceptive advertising practices. :-D

    1. Hey, guys, where is Mark? I just see a chaos spawARBABLAHBALHABALAHHBLBLBLBL...


    2. I'm the Mart of chaos!

      Drake, lovely model. How does it play?

    3. Yes yes, I'm a pleb. Well the Mary of Chaos was my first choice but it kept summoning little Lambs. So I switched to a mart of Chaos and now I get beer and Nachos from it in its wake so I am a lot happier. Might try a Mark one day, they seem to be very observant. :)

  3. Ha nice scheme! I thought it was more Nurgle though :)

    1. Oh and I used Hormagaunt purple and space wolves grey highlights with a purple wash so you were probably close to the same thing I'd imagine.
