
Saturday, 19 March 2016

Forgeworld Quality Assurance Improvements!

Hello everyone,

Just a quick post to show you an interesting development to Forgeworlds quality assurance. Having been to Warhammer World this week, I have noticed a new leaflet in the model bags. Here's a few photos of it below:

As you can see from the front of the leaflet, forgeworld seem to be doing quality assurance checks on the models before they're packaged.

There is also a guide to using Forgeworld products. 

I think it's a good move on Forgeworlds part and it seems like they are trying to make their kits more accessible and user friendly to players brought into 30K through the Betrayal at Calth boxset. 

Let us know what you think everyone :)

Aveinus Kaane 


  1. My order of Mk III Despoilers and Templar Brethren arrived in the US last week with the new signed off How To Build Guide. A nice idea, and appreciated. However, the kit still had 25mm bases instead of the new 32mm ones. I am planning to use 32mm clear bases anyway, but it's something to be aware of.

    1. Hey Doug. What clear bases do you use and are they upside down plate-like or are they solid like ice hockey pucks?

    2. As an aside Doug I have contacted FW on few occasions on this. And they've sent out new bases to me. You should let them know that you were expecting the new bases and are disappointed they've failed to update the kits and now you'll be out of pocket.
      You may find they'll send you some.

  2. Now if they could release the new warlord powerfist/claw 😀 No new model releases for a month...

    Can't wait.

    1. I expected that to end in "that would be great".

    2. Yeah. Really after that Sunfury too. Also want the new Knight, the Mastadon, the new landing pad . . .

    3. Still waiting for the Ursarax-kit.....

  3. It is good to see these sort of improvements. Long overdue.
