
Sunday, 20 March 2016

Machines of Graia - update

I have returned to bring you a little status update in regards to the mechanicum units I brought you earlier in the week. 

As I said in my earlier post is like to complete them well before the end of the month do I've been working tirelessly (well almost) to bring you another update.

So far I've managed to get the majority of metals completed, along with the black armour plates and the first coat and wash on the bone colour. The bases are all but completed, although I will need to alter the Callix base and possibly do a little reposing by submerging him in hot water in order to get the most natural stance I can. I'm putting the extra effort into the Calkix as I'll only be able to get one in the army so I may as well make it as good as I possibly can.

And so to the pictures;

As you can see they're progressing well but I still need to do nuln oil spot washes on the cabling, paint in the detail bits like the lenses and skulls and apply transfers once the plates are complete. The end is in sight though.

I've also been working on blending my 40K cult mechanicus army into my 30K force, to that end I've started work on the robots first (naturally) and here's the first of 10 I'll be doing. (Let me know what you think in the comments below).

Stay tuned for an update on my titans and Night Lords over the next couple of weeks.

And remember just because it feels good, doesn't make it right.

KF out


  1. They are coming along very nicely! Great progress in such a short time! It's going to be a fun army to play against, though I definitely need to fit some more heavy weapons into my armies to deal with them!

  2. I like the grey bits especially. What's the technique/paints?

    1. On the Kastelan? It's just the primer layer using Halford's grey primer spray.

    2. I meant on the Calix and Domitar, but I suppose it's more of a tan? Just wondering how you got that tone. Is it an undercoat and a wash?

    3. It's still wip but to get to that point it's Rakarth Flesh washed with Agrax Earthshade. I'm going to do another Rakarth coat then a 1:1 mix of Rakarth and pallid wych flesh then 1:1:1 of Rakarth, pallid and ceramite White to get the bone colour.

  3. Great stuff. Love the Kastelan head too, is that a Scyllax?

    1. Thanks Baman. The scyllax were actually a little big and the mechanicum seal on their torsos was a little detracting so instead I used a servo automata torso.

  4. I actually like the Kastelans as they are ...

    1. The reason o did it was down to the fact is seen some of the original heads painted up to look like Lightning McQueen from Disney's Cars and I just couldn't shake the image.

    2. They always reminded me of the robots in the film "Black hole"

    3. Going to have to watch Black Hole now ;-) love that movie

    4. Oh no worries, I got some stock Kastelans for the future ^.^

      Loving the Graia pattern Castellans though <3

  5. They are looking fantastic. Can't wait to see more. The Kastellan has a trailing cable, is that your making or part of the core model.

    1. Yeah it's part of the core model kit optional which leg it comes out of though.

  6. These look great. I just converted a Narik Dreygur for my Salamanders army I've been working on and I thought about getting a Kastelan box to proxy as Castellax, but then I realized that a unit of Vorax from FW costs the same as a box of Kastelan robots. So I might as well get the real thing.
