
Monday, 11 April 2016

30k News: Robots, Cards and Book!

Howdy Guys and Girls :)

Little post about some 30k news that appeared today - let's start with the FW Bulletin!

The Iron Circle Automata are soon - we already saw them at the Horus Heresy Weekender, pretty awesome models:

"I hear that you might even be able to get hold of this brutal machine at Warhammer Fest in May. Grab your tickets for this awesome event whilst you can!"

You can see more pictures of the Iron Circle at our events post from earlier this year:

In other news from Forgeworld, they kind of answered a question regarding the new Space Marine psychic power cards via Facebook:

Black Library also teased something for 30k today - "The Path of Heaven" is soon! Get ready for some awesome White Scars and Daemons action.

Last but not least, GW will release a new boxed game called "Imperial Knight: Renegade", featuring two Imperial Knights for  £120, aswell as a mini game. Great value if you want to get a Questoris Knights army, or some LoW units for your Mechanicum force.

What do you guys and girls think about the new pschic cards and disciplines? Are you hyped for the Iron Circle and Path of Heaven? Do you plan to get some Knights soon? Write us in the comments below!

Lady Atia


  1. I held that iron circle model... It's so pretty, but mark took it back :(

    The knight game looks like it could be fun. 1 v 1 against a pink knight could be the thing to get my six year old into models. Let's hope they will include the extra sprue of weapons.

    1. Awwww. Soon you will hold your own Iron Circle :)

      And yeah, the box includes one old Knight, and one new one, that should give you enough options :)

    2. Never played the Knight Card game in White Dwarf. I was interested but I think a more "draw an action card" approach may be more fun and you deal from your hand.

  2. It's nice to know the Iron Circle will be at Warhammerfest so far in advance.

    I want 2 maybe 3.

    Hopefully that new knight will be on sale there too.

    1. Me too. . . At least the question of "why is Perurabo's base so tall?" has been answered now :)

  3. Very much looking forward to Path of Heaven.

    Did they say it would be out soon in their newsletter? can't find anything on their site, and have only been receiving the newsletter sporadically.

    Anything more specific than "soon?"

    really looking forward to more scars and more chris wraight!

    1. They said "in the next weeks" via their facebook :)

    2. I believe they will announce it this week. If I remember they BL posted the book for each month, Scars 2 will be this month and I think Angel of Caliban will be next week. Not sure where Praterion of Dorn will fall, really looking forward to that one.

    3. Sorry meant Angel of Caliban will be next month not next week ha ha

  4. The Automata is one of the best models to date.

    1. yep, I may need to repurpose some models to make iron warriors. They are that good. The fluff is great too, they are given to Peturabos commanders to "watch over them".

    2. Really enjoyed how they were written in Angel Exterminatus.

      Iron within.

    3. Yup. Loved them in Angel Exterminatus. I think 7 jumped out of a Storm Eagle with Perty. . . . Not sure if that is possible within the rules.

    4. Can you imagine the carnage 7 of them and Perty would actually do?

      Terrifying but I'd love see that.

    5. If I remember it correctly, they *can* use a transport vehicle with Perturabo? Don't have the red book here yet ^^

    6. Yeah but I think they and Perty count as very bulky. My Brother has the book I think.

    7. Stormeagle has 25 models? Very Bulky = 3 if i remember right, so 8*3=24, so should be ok?

    8. Ah just checked, Stock Storm Eagles just have 20 .... maybe Perturabo has his own sub-variant, similiar to the Tormentor?

    9. The iron circle are monstrous creatures, can they actually be put in a vehicle? O.o I hope they can but I assumed with that classification they couldn't :/

    10. Mind that I only saw the rules once, so I missremember it, but I remember they are allowed to. Thallax also can do it, and Satarael too although he is a giant haemonculus Magos ^.^

    11. I think Bradley is right on this one. As far as the rules I have seen for these, they are monstrous creature and have no mention of them being allowed to use transport nor of their bulkyness. (I cannot guarantee the autenticity of the rules I saw, but they seemed fairly legit. If they are the rules, they may be subject to change, of course.)

    12. Ok, I found the rules and it looks like they indeed may not use deticated transports >.<

      Gnarf. Well, we still may get a special version ala Tormentor that allows them *wishlists*

    13. Dammit, I was hoping for the storm eagle shenanigans as well :( here's hoping for that special version!
      So they can't even embark on a Mastodon? :/

    14. Sadly no. A mastodon has a capacity of 40 models, where two Dreadnoughts (either legion or contemptor) may be transported taking up 10 in capacity each. It is fairly specific about that. It's a good thing they're tough! Especially when accompanying the Lord of Iron himself.

    15. Aye, the rerolling inv save against blasts is frankly amazing, had two of them shrug off 9 blasts from predator executioners, and to pass the rule onto the guy they're protecting... It turns them from great to dirty.
      +1 I from perturabo to give them I4 and laugh as any unit strong enough to hurt them is either striking after them, or at the same time as them >=]

  5. Those two iron circle miniatures have differences. Does that mean there's more than one variant or is it just the difference between pre-production and production?

    1. Probably proto-type differences. If I remember it correctly, Mark painted him the night before or something?

    2. The only difference I can see is that the Iron Warriors icon has moved from the chest to the shoulder (and the Perturabo in the background, but i'm fairly sure he's not included with the robot).
      My guess is that this icon is a separate piece. Either that or they changed their mind about it and moved it.
      I don't think they will make other variants of these robots. Besides, with this amount of sexy, why would you want another variant? ;)

    3. True. Re-checked the images from the weekender, the cabinet ones head the skull differently than Mark's painted one already :)

    4. You are absolutely right! As a matter of fact, I believe that the model shown here, in this weeks bulletin, IS the the unpainted one at the weekender.
      Reference link for those interested :

    5. They are the same. The iron warrior skull is in a different position is all.

    6. What I mean is that the model shown in this weeks bulletin is the exact same piece of resin that was displayed unpainted at the weekender, as shown in the HH weekender Iron Circle post to which the link refers to. :)
      (Just realized Atia linked to it in the post. Sorry for re-linking, Atia!)

  6. Apart from the loyalist Iron Warriors I'm not usually a fan, I find them a bit like petulant children. However the Iron Circle are fantastic.
    Also very much looking forward to Path of Heaven.
