
Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Sons of Horus First Company Update 11

Hello all!

This weeks update isn't quite what I was hoping to show you all. Unfortunately the Great British weather foiled my plans, with a day of rain, to get all my vehicles undercoated. The good news is that I did receive my latest Forgeworld order! Here are two of the models that arrived built and ready for my next day off when it isn't raining.

These two add some much needed high strength fire power to the First Company. I think they fit well with the relentless nature of the Sons of Horus. They should be very useful when I foot slog my Justaerin across the table. The Justaerin will be able to walk behind them and they can lay down some decent fire to help cover the advance. I have washed up the rest of the order as well, here is everything that came awaiting assembly. 

A Leviathan, the two vindies and 15 more Reavers. The Reavers are to make another 10 man squad, 6 of them I will be arming with melta guns to spread throughout the 3 squads. The extra 5 will be being used to create Kalus Ekkaddon and a master of signal, with a couple spare to use for something! The order also included another sheet of etched brass which allowed me to finish off my Fire Raptor. 

I also got my last dreadclaw assembled. I hate making these, remind me not to get any more!!

Lastly I did manage to get a bit of painting done, I completed the first red layer on all 11 of my remaining Justaerin. My aims for this week will be to get the Leviathan assembled and hopefully we will get some better weather I will be able to get all 9 of the vehicles undercoated and make a start on painting them. 



  1. Lots of awesome bits. Assembling is my favourite part of the hobby. So therapeutic, especially if just plastic kits.
    What is wrong with the Anvilus drop pods? I have one in bag, but have not assembled one yet.

    1. I enjoy assembling but it's not my favourite part! The drop pod is just a pig to get together! I've found you have to glue everything almost at the same time! The plastic fins have to glue to top and bottom with very little surface area and then you have to get plastic doors in between which don't quite fit and where they naturally want to glue isn't the right place! I end up with glue every where!! Lol!

  2. Don't buy anymore of the big drop pod things!!
    And holy Britain that's a lot of resin.
    I wish I had the budget for that.

  3. I remember assembling my first drop pod and i remember assembling my first resin tank.. Combining the two must be the worst kind of hell.. I understand your frustration. Good job either way!

    1. lol! It is! Combined kits are the worst to put together! Everything fits...nearly!! They can take some gentle persuasion to get into the right place!

  4. I though you would do a small elite army, it's starting to be the actual first company of the SoH!!!

    1. Lol! Yeah I thought it would be a small elite army too at one stage! It has escalated a bit!!

  5. Pretty cool!

    Are you going to paint the support tanks also black, or green?

    1. Black for the First Company vehicles! I will be doing some green Sons of Horus at some point down the line though!
