
Thursday 22 September 2016

Pre-Heresy Iron Hands: Cataphractii Terminators WIP

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update today, work hasn't been kind this week on my hobby time so I have little progress to speak off. However, I did decide to just concentrate on one model in order to figure out how the scheme will look on the Cataphractii Terminators.

This model has unfortunately been a bit of a test model so I think the other four will have a nicer finish. I have struggled to find the right colour for the leather? hanging from the shoulders and waist (I'm not sure what the correct word for these would be lol) So I did try going with white initially, however, I found it was almost too bright on the model and I didn't think it worked very well. I have used white throughout my Iron Hands force but it is just used for the cog iconography and the transfers. So having the leather in white made the model really stick out amongst the army and made it look out of place, as the white on my other models is quite subtle. I will be having some white on these models but it will come from having the white Iron Hands transfers on the knees.

Eventually I decided to go with a darker red for the leather, but I am still undecided on how I will highlight the red as I do want it to remain quite dark. I am probably going to get each model to this stage before I go any further and it is still a work in progress so there are still a few mistakes and highlights that need to be corrected and applied.

Hopefully over the weekend and next week I will be able to make some more progress and show you a more comprehensive post with more photos!

Thanks for reading,

Aveinus Kaane


  1. Hi avenues, is that gold or silver trim? It's hard to tell if it's the paint or lighting! Looks good though!

    1. Its the usual Runefang steel trim! Although I do agree it does look a bit gold! :)

    2. I've just looked on the iPad, it's more obvious that it's steel,. Poxy phone...

      Great job though.

  2. Looks good! You could just highlight back with the same red, assuming you have washed the red. That's what I do with the red on my justaerin. The other colour you could go for if you're undecided on the red would be a brown or cream perhaps.

    1. Thanks Darien! Yeah I think that is what I will do but I think I will do a few tests with grey and brown on the other models and see how it looks!

  3. Looking damn sweet! Can't wait to see the rest of the squad.

    Pteruges I think is the name for the dangly leather bits to my knowledge.

    1. Thanks Drake! Ah yeah I was never going to get that haha

  4. Looking good! I actually wanted a similar colour for the pteruges/leather straps for my IF terminators. Would you mind to share the recipe up to this stage? I don't quite get the right shade, and yours seems to be on the right path. Maybe a brown or blue wash? (the latter IIRC can be nice to give it a darker tone)

    1. Thanks! Its one of the older paints red scab but i'm not sure what it will have been converted to on the new paints. I've just used nuln oil as the wash

  5. Model looks great so far, but the red makes me think Dark Angels, not iron hands. What about some form of grey that could be highlighted in someway...?

    1. Kaelo thought the same, I'm going to try out a brown and grey on the other models and see what I like the best out of the three :)

    2. 100% I thought this was a DW Termie. With out being told its IH it would still think that.

  6. *pteruges is the word you're looking for
