
Saturday, 16 March 2019

Hector Cephas - Titans Primed

Hi everybody,

I luckily managed to catch a day of good weather and had one heck of a priming session! 8 Reavers, 8 Warhounds, 6 Cerastus Knights and all of the weapon options for these and the extra weapons from the Warlord Plasma Annihilator sprues.

On top of this I also had to prime all the armour plates for the reavers, warhounds and the additionals from the upgrade sprues...

That was one very productive day involving 3 and a bit cans of primer to do it but completely worth the effort as now I can crack on with painting everything now at my leisure. I managed to prime everything else a few months back so this is basically the last of the priming until I start work on the AT scenery I have. Next thing on the list, start painting titan frames.

Apologies if this is not such an interesting post, I was just pretty proud of the fact that I managed get this all sorted in a day.

Until next time,

Hector Cephas


  1. That’s a lot of Engines! Need to meet up for a game soon mate! It’s been too long.

  2. Yes they're all just black and in pieces but still it's impressive seeing all the Engines lined up!
    Makes me think of the PDF looking down on the traitors in Titanicus (novel).
