
Sunday, 17 March 2019

Weekly progress report: 17-03-2019

Hi all

That’s right. The Sunday Weekly Progress Report is back. As always, don’t hesitate to let us know what you have been up to too in the comments below. 

After a very long hiatus from posting and the hobby in general, Ikthelion has started a new project, testing out different schemes and bases to see how they look.

Darien has been working on a new project for some upcoming action. A big chuck of resin washing has taken place!

Hector has been ploughing through his Thousand Sons. He has purchased a lot recently, with the aim of getting a big force together for Prospero. 

I myself have just finished a Death Guard Primus Medicae, and am midway through another batch of Legionnaires. 

I also finished my first Adeptus Titanicus Reaver for a while. 

Battle Bunnies


  1. That's a lot of Volkite!

    Going to be working on my Shrike conversion later on. WIP:

  2. Actually redoing our hobby room today. Eagerly awaiting Sanguinius. Working on commissions and an AT Warlord.

  3. I've missed these. Really pleased they're back.

    1. I jumped for joy when I saw this today. I really missed their weekly progress articles. So, I can say my weekend went 3 for 4 (Sanguinius not dropping this week was the miss of the week), and then the Bunnies found a way to make it 4 for 5 without me knowing it.

  4. I finished my 28mm scale Warlord Head! Another step towards completing it for the TitanOwnersClub Walk in June! Only another 20 or so pieces to do... great to see these updates back

  5. Good to see this article return. I've not done any painting but been planning a 1000 point dark Eldar list for 8th edition as well as pondering additions to my 30k Iron Warriors as well as a 30k Space Wolf Watch Pack!!
