Thursday, 7 January 2016

Ezekyle Abaddon and the year ahead

Hello all!

I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year! Mine were extremely busy! Working and spending time with family and friends left little time for hobby. As such I haven't made as much progress as I would have liked to. I did, however, make sure that I completed something special to end my hobby year on and to use as inspiration for the year ahead. Knowing that I would have minimal painting time to work on the outstanding 11 Justaerin, I decided to focus on just one Astartes. The First Captian of the Sons of Horus, a member of the Mournival, a man unequaled in combat record within the legion except by the Primarch himself, the mighty Ezekyle Abaddon. 

The model is brilliant and it was a real joy to paint. I used the same method that I did for my Justaerin, except I added in a few more red areas to set him apart more from the crowd. I spent a long time focusing on getting his face right and I am pleased with how it has come out.

As I am focusing on the First Company currently Ezekyle is the logical and most likely character to be leading my forces into battle. I am looking forward to seeing him leading his Justaerin squads and bringing worlds to compliance in our Great Crusade campaigns.

I am now back to working on the 11 Justaerin that I have unpainted, hopefully I will be able to complete these in the next week or so. This will complete all of the 30 Justaerin I own. I think I have finally decided on how I will be basing them too! If the plan looks as good as I hope this will be completed once the painting is done.

This year is going to be great fun! I have several projects that I will be working on throughout the year. They are;
  1. Sons of Horus 1st Company
  2. Orks
  3. Scenery
  4. Emperors Children
  5. Helping the other Bunnies with projects as needed
Following on from Kaelo's post I have decided to set myself several short term goals to get completed. My reward will be model based. Once this list is done I will get myself something special, perhaps a super heavy for the SoH. 
  1. Paint the remaining 11 Justaerin
  2. Base the Justaerin
  3. Paint 2 SoH Contemptors
  4. Assemble 3 Dreadclaws and the Fireraptor 
  5. Paint Ork Boyz, want to get 100(!!) done but may go for 20 boy groups.

It is going to be a busy few weeks and year on the hobby front!!



  1. He looks sooooooooo awesome :D

    Also can't wait for the year of the xenos ;)

  2. Well done Darien. Such a cool character that could do with a book focused just on him really. Have not fought him yet in a game. Any good?

    1. Would be good to have a book focusing on him, he has this great reputation but nothing really to fill it out with in the great crusade era. Would be good to see him fighting a big dual.

      I've used him twice, first game he was awesome, far better than expected and the second he and a squad of 9 Justaerin were killed by nasty Grav guns (the 40k versions that the 30k Mechanicum now seem to have access to as well!) before doing anything!!

  3. Looking great so far! Can't wait to see your first company finished!

    1. Thanks very much! I am looking forward to getting even more of it done!

  4. He looks really good!

    Just remember, propa orks is bloo

    1. Bloo! Nah, Goffs is a propa klan of Orks!

      And thank you! :)

    2. Naff off ur panzie, bloo is propa

      Typical age old ork argument...

    3. Lol! A fight to the death is required to find out!!

    4. Lol

      But I looted you weapons....

    5. Fair point! Let's fight someone else!

  5. Beautiful model.
    If I may ask what us the plan for basing? And will there be a tutorial?

    1. Thank you! My plan for the basing is similar to what GW did for there urban base advent calendar on YouTube! I f all goes to plan I will post a tutorial as well!

    2. Nice! I did a variation on that one for my army and I think it looks good. That plan will look great for the juaterians I think.

    3. Great! I think it will work well!

  6. Great work, you've done the miniature justice

    1. Thank you very much Dave! He is a lovely model!

  7. Really awesome job :) well done buddy! Fantastic model and superb paint job :)

    1. He's a very nice model and really suits the scheme.
      Nice work, third times the charm eh?

    2. He's a very nice model and really suits the scheme.
      Nice work, third times the charm eh?

    3. Thanks Mark! Hopefully the third time will go better! He will be out for revenge on your Mechanicum that's for sure!!
