Hi all
We have been sent the new Necromunda Spyre Hunters for review, so we knocked up a battle report for them too see how this Hunting party stands up against a House Escher gang.
Hi all
We have been sent the new Necromunda Spyre Hunters for review, so we knocked up a battle report for them too see how this Hunting party stands up against a House Escher gang.
Hi all
So today we look at the new Tek Hunter Gang and Orrus Spyre Hunter from Necromunda Secondus.
Baroness Alita Helmawr.
Baroness Alita Helmawr |
Orrus from behind |
Benni the Caryatid of Baroness Alita Helmawr |
Caryatid |
Caryatid from behind |
Van Saar Tek Hunter Gang with an Orrus Spyre Hunter |
Its a damn great gang. |
You can see more of this gang on Matt's Instagram @Battle_Bunnies_Drake_Seta and the Battle Bunnies Tik Tok. |
Hi all
We are continuing our Necromunda Hive Secondus content with a Battle Report today! So we pitted the new Orrus Spyer hunter Alita Helmawr in her snazzy Colourshift rig, against a Malstrain gang.
We also shared our views on the new box at the end too!
To summarise though.
Hope you enjoy. It is likely there will be more Necromunda Hive Secondus content coming soon, so please like and subscribe.
Battle Bunnies
#Necromunda #AdWIP #AD #Warhammercommunity
Hi all
We received a copy of the brilliant New Necromunda Hive Secondus. We will be posting some content up today and for this week. Please see our unboxing video below!
The Battle Bunnies
Hi all
The grim warriors of the Ruination Chamber have been unleashed!
Painted by Rob Caldicott (@the_gory_crow). Rob C. decided to paint them in a dark green and red scheme. He felt the models were very dynamic, and that they would go very well on a diorama scene!
The Stormcast gather around the relic and face on the onrushing Skaven!
Battle Bunnies
Hi all
Honey the Destroyer has been painting the lovely new Lord Veritant model from the new Skaventide box.
She really wanted to make the model look as though she had seen a lot of action, and that her armour was very old. So heavily weathering was the way forward!
Thanks again to Games Workshop for the sample!
More of this great box this week.
Battle Bunnies
Hi all
Our fantastic painter Rob W. (@eyecon74) has been a massive fan of Skaven for years, but has always held back due to the hope of eventually seeing a new fantastic range of models!
That time is now, and he was sooooo happy to get his claws on them!
Skaventide is out soon!!
More soon! Thanks again to Games Workshop for the sample.
Hi all
We busted out the Kill Team Termination Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers! Great sculpts with lots of options.
Hi all
We received the new Kill Team for review. Have a look at the new terrain. Its fantastic!
Hi all
We have received the new Darktide Boardgame and had a fun game of it!
Darktide is based on the Kill Team game system, with a small Warhammer Quest twist. The initiative order is determined by an activation card based system, similar to Cursed City.