Friday 23 August 2024

Necromunda: Spyrer Hunters Vs House Escher gang video battle report. Spyre Hunters review.

 Hi all

We have been sent the new Necromunda Spyre Hunters for review, so we knocked up a battle report for them too see how this Hunting party stands up against a House Escher gang.

So we have the Spice Girls Escher gang:

Spyrer Hunting party

Yeld Spyrer
Yeld Spyrer

Hunt Master Spyrer
Hunt Master: Spyrer

Orrus Spyrer
Orrus: Spyrer

We absolutely love the new Spyre Hunter models. Can't wait to complete the set either!

Have a look at the below Merchandise for Necromunda from Warhammer too.

Necromunda VanSarr T Shirt

Necromunda: Ash Wastes Do Your Duty T Shirt

Necromunda Escher T Shirt


Monday 22 July 2024

Necromunda Hive Secondus: Orrus Spyre Hunter and Van Saar Tek Hunter gang

 Hi all

So today we look at the new Tek Hunter Gang and Orrus Spyre Hunter from Necromunda Secondus.

Baroness Alita Helmawr.

Baroness Alita Helmawr

I utilised Greenstuff World's Colourshift paint Pinky Blue for this model. I think it has come out really well.

I then used Greenstuff World's Chrome for claws and Hydraulics (because lets face it, it is a really well maintained /sought after suit).

I went for Volkites for this model, but made sure I just blu tac'd them on.

Orrus from behind

Benni - Caryatid
Benni the Caryatid of Baroness Alita Helmawr


Caryatid from behind

Van Saar Tek Hunter Gang
Van Saar Tek Hunter Gang with an Orrus Spyre Hunter

Its a damn great gang.

We went for a dark grey scheme with blue eyes, orange pipes and light grey stripes.

You can see more of this gang on Matt's Instagram @Battle_Bunnies_Drake_Seta and the Battle Bunnies Tik Tok.

Also, don't forget to see it in action on our YouTube channel where we did a battle report.

Unboxing here too:

Battle Bunnies

#Necromunda #AdWIP #AD #Warhammercommunity

Sunday 21 July 2024

Necromunda Hive Secondus: Battle Report and box review!

 Hi all

We are continuing our Necromunda Hive Secondus content with a Battle Report today! So we pitted the new Orrus Spyer hunter Alita Helmawr in her snazzy Colourshift rig, against a Malstrain gang.

We also shared our views on the new box at the end too!

To summarise though.

  • The game is excellent. The rules really complement the setting.
  • The campaign in the book looks like a great thing to run through, so we are hoping to dip back into this over the next few months when we have some spare time.
  • The new Malstrain gang is just a fantastic looking set of minis.
  • The Spyer Hunters are brilliant to play with. Double activations in a turn makes them fantastic (but a Malstrain Genestealer can still eat them).

Hope you enjoy. It is likely there will be more Necromunda Hive Secondus content coming soon, so please like and subscribe.

Battle Bunnies

#Necromunda #AdWIP #AD #Warhammercommunity

Saturday 20 July 2024

Necromunda: Hive Secondus Unboxing

 Hi all

We received a copy of the brilliant New Necromunda Hive Secondus. We will be posting some content up today and for this week. Please see our unboxing video below!

#Warhammer Community

The Battle Bunnies

Monday 24 June 2024

Skaventide - The good guys return'd

 Hi all

The grim warriors of the Ruination Chamber have been unleashed! 

Painted by Rob Caldicott (@the_gory_crow). Rob C. decided to paint them in a dark green and red scheme. He felt the models were very dynamic, and that they would go very well on a diorama scene!

Its great that the Skaven are not the only great new models in the new Skaventide box.

The Stormcast gather around the relic and face on the onrushing Skaven!




Battle Bunnies

Sunday 23 June 2024

Skaventide Box - Lord Veritant

 Hi all

Honey the Destroyer has been painting the lovely new Lord Veritant model from the new Skaventide box. 

She really wanted to make the model look as though she had seen a lot of action, and that her armour was very old. So heavily weathering was the way forward!

Thanks again to Games Workshop for the sample!

Painting guide.

Undercoat with Mechanicum Standard Grey.

1) Paint with Tinny Tin.
2) Drybrush with Runelord Brass.
3) Agrax Earthshade wash.
4) Light Drybrush with Runelord Brass.
5) 1:1 Nihilakh Oxide and Lahmian Medium pinwashed into the recesses.
6) Light Dybrush of Runelord Brass.

1) Vallejo Old God.
2) Mix of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade and Lahmian Medium
3) Drybrush of Vallejo Old Gold.
4). Light Edge Highlight of Auric Gold.

1) Kantor Blue
2) Washed with Drakenhov Nightshade and Nuln Oil (recess washed)
3) Edge Highlight with 50:50 Fenrisian Grey and Kantor Blue.

More of this great box this week.




Battle Bunnies

Saturday 22 June 2024

Skaventide - Skaven cometh! and they look damn good!!

 Hi all

Our fantastic painter Rob W. (@eyecon74) has been a massive fan of Skaven for years, but has always held back due to the hope of eventually seeing a new fantastic range of models! 

That time is now, and he was sooooo happy to get his claws on them!

Skaventide is out soon!!

Ratling Warpblaster
Rob decided to add a big old scenic base for this great model.

Lots of Verdigris!

Rat Ogors:

More fantastic sculpts!

We have needed these for sooooo long! They look brilliant.

Warplock Jezzails

The Jezzails with their new Rifles really fit in with the aesthetic of the new range!

Grey Seer and Warlock Engineer.
The new Grey Seer model is a great on foot model, The blue robe offsets the model really well.

Clawlord on Gnaw-Beast

What a fantastic leader for the new Clanrats.




More soon! Thanks again to Games Workshop for the sample.

Battle Bunnies

Sunday 2 June 2024

Kill Team Termination - Brood Brothers cometh for the 4x armed Emperor

 Hi all

We busted out the Kill Team Termination Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers! Great sculpts with lots of options. 

Its green, so you know its good.

Wanna buy some bracelets!?

Behold, my strong hand!

Guns beat Knives Jeff. Leave them behind.


Behold . . . my troops!


Battle Bunnies

Saturday 1 June 2024

Kill Team Termination - Plasma Genatorium

 Hi all

We received the new Kill Team for review. Have a look at the new terrain. Its fantastic!

Here are the 2x Genatorium. Great terrain pieces, but a bit of a shame that they do not tie in with the existing Sector Imperialis range. Pipes won't connect to them or anything. But the design is still great.

A lovely red one! 

Had a lot of fun painting the big chevrons!

The source lighting was painted with airbrush.


Battle Bunnies

Saturday 4 May 2024

Darktide the Board game review!

 Hi all

We have received the new Darktide Boardgame and had a fun game of it!

Darktide is based on the Kill Team game system, with a small Warhammer Quest twist. The initiative order is determined by an activation card based system, similar to Cursed City.

The miniatures are unfortunately not new designs and do not represent those in the Video Game. Feel this is a bit of a shame, as it would encourage more people to buy the game.

There is a deck with upgrades which enable your team to stock up.

The Behaviour table is great and enables you to play the game on your own, without pulling punches on your team (move down the order, and where it can be targeting one person or the other, you choose the worst of 2x options).

Here is the first mission (Round 1 and Round 2). 

The biggest disappointment is the board itself. It would have been far better if it was a board akin to the Blackstone fortress or Betrayal at Calth in design. 

I would recommend this game for people who want to get into Warhammer Kill Team, otherwise I would suggest waiting for a game like Warhammer Quest.


Battle Bunnies