The Battle Bunnies are sitting in the front centre of the Conquest announcement. Here is what we have learned.
No new Legions. They fully intend to use this book as a catch up book and to release basic army lists for Mechanicum and Imperial Army. Eventually they may be Red Booked too.
Full Solar Auxilia army list. But other options will be added to coincide with Battlefield specific forces such as Spireguard Army force and similar at Calth. The great thing about the new Imperial Army Solar Auxilia was the fact they can digitally sculpt one Soldier and subtly repose and not have any duplicates. So this will lead to one master 3d model for most imperial Army forces which they can make many variations there of.
Questoris Knights army list. Including several new Houses with expanded fluff. 3 if I recall.
Tool box to run large Campaigns. Legion Relic weapons and wargear, Loyalist and traitors. Design a sector and fight for it. Your Captain loses an arm; he loses an arm, he gets blessed or finds a relic blade; he gains a relic blade. Would love to have the ability to create an awesome set of characters which we can inevitably lose or die as circumstances dictate. A bit like Necromunda :)
Shattered Legion gaming option and rules to use them. This will be a lovely list. I hope being able to mix Legions together is available.
New units for Legions. Talk of a new flier not based on the Storm Eagle chassis.
Something buried beneath Isstvan 5. . . . Will come back. . . . . Or someone. . . This literally has me scratching my head. There was talk of Tomb complexes in Extermination but don't think it is Necrons.
Next: Book 5 (and possibly 6).
Calth, Shadow Crusade, underworld war might be 2 books. Well as my predictions went straight out of the window with it being more Alpha Legion for the Paramar V board and me thinking it would have been Dark Angels and Diamat.
Ultramarines can't be alone though, maybe will see a split conflict. Not sure though.
Dark Mechanicum based on extermination list but darker and early additions.
Ordinatus will be done! They said big vehicles but I don't think a 7 Baneblade tracked vehicle is 28mm to be honest. Forge World are referring to their smaller engines and constructs.
No new Primarch rules yet.
Currently it's a one off book but may be a trilogy.
Might release some more Shoulder Pads for unreleased Legions. This they hear a lot and some gamers may not want to wait much longer. To you that are on the 30k fence waiting; grab another Legion til your first choice comes out, like me I can't wait til the Rout.
No plans for BFG.
No Titans. More Knights though inc some which are new designs. No New Titans in this book but with 3D printing expect to see a few more Titan variants raising their heads from next year.
No plans for agents etc. but may be show only models. So happy the Navigator had rules in the Free event guide.
Drake Seta
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Something buried beneath istvaan 5??
ReplyDeleteAre you sure it wasn't istvaan3? Cos that could be ...
ReplyDeleteDefo said Istvaan 5
DeleteYes we were all wondering what that could be buried. Nothing given away so not sure what that could be. Anybody have any ideas? And no buried under isstvan 5 they said
ReplyDeleteAh, so nothing from Great Crusade as per the previous blog post? Ah well, it's still cool, but you really had my hopes up there! ;)
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, we all had our hopes up. Devestated when we were told it was a hoax :( the door is still left open but I believe it will be a long while before they come to that
DeleteMaybe the something buried is a someone?
ReplyDeleteThats what we think, not sure if it is something completely ancient but it is a good idea
DeleteHope some of the Dark Mechanicus units will be warped.
ReplyDeleteThe current comments from FW suggest that Dark Mechanicum will more likely be small weapon changes and upgrade kits. They weren't too divergent at the time of the Heresy.
DeleteMakes sense, guess they didn't become twisted over night! =)
DeleteApparently "it took a time for the Mechanicum to think; what would happen if we took the Energy source out and stick a Daemon in. . . I wonder what will happen."
DeleteThis is also the reason many of the Knight back components share traits with the defiler capsules etc.
Interesting, I'm a little surprised by the lack of new legions or Primarchs but I think that its a smart idea. As for whats hidden under Isstvan 5 I might actually say its Ferrus Manus, there has always been rumors (as with many Loyalist primarchs) that he still lives (although i REALLY hope its not true) but since the Iron Hands are in this book, and whatever is buried will "come back", thats the only thing i could think of :)
ReplyDeleteNo its not Ferrus, Tony Cotterill has stated that Ferrus is definitely dead and is not coming back lol. It is a good theory but that has been dismissed it seems
DeleteIf you have read Riven it leads me to ponder more on whether that is involved. Maybe Santar.
DeleteThere will be some warped mechanicus, but at this time they are just transforming and upgrading so there will be no heavy modifications and no Daemon Engine units or lists for a while
ReplyDeleteSomehow I am glad FW takes kind of a break. Every time they show new stuff I feel the need to buy EVERYTHING.
ReplyDeleteBut this way I will have the quite and peace to work on what I already have, knowing that the investment will pay off once more with the new book.
Oh dont we all?! As soon as there is a viable product, it is instantly purchased! But yes I think using this scheme it gives them time to catch up on what is already missing. We have 12 legions out already with lots of units, characters and vehicles that still need releasing, as well as Legion equipment. This way it gives them a go on focussing on new books and characters/Primarchs without rushing around sculpting everything else!
DeleteFunny how faeit is saying your coverage is from a 'anon' source when it was clearly copy and pasted here lol
ReplyDeleteWe are featured on there from time to time but its not something any blog would graciously throw out. I don't mind myself as we can point out our work ourselves but can't speak for other bunnies of course :)
DeleteYeah that made me laugh too Pig :)
Deleteno new legions? way to kill my theory, and to slow legion production like this with only 6 to go...
ReplyDeleteNothing as of yet, this is all set just after isstvan 5. I think its for them to kind of take a break and catch up with what they have brought out already, although there is going to be a lot of solar auxilia it seems
DeleteYeah shot mine down too. Yeah; it did feel like a slight let down I have to admit. I would have just done Diamat and Chondax and got on with it but Hey ho.
DeleteAtleast we have some more Campaigns to fight though. That is always a good thing.
Was there any news from black library? All i saw from them was seditions gate, damnation of pythos, and the announcment of the new fulgrim novel. is that ALL they did? No more announcement of future novels? VERY dissapointing
ReplyDeleteCrimson King by the end of the year, a Shattered Legion omnibus with all new stories too. Apart from that a webway war book is in the works by ADB. That will be awesome.
DeleteThey did announce they are going to be making an anthology of stories about the shattered legions. No clues as to name or timescale but that will be the next project it seems
ReplyDeleteSo is the Solar Auxilia a branch of the Imperial Army, or same thing different name?
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't fully explained but we believe it to be a branch of Imperial Army
DeleteIt is an Imperial army force. The reasoning behind their look is "they will be fighting in void warfare, places inimical to human life and places with low oxygen.
DeleteThis is their first Imperial Army force but there will be others eventually. Think of these as expeditionary Imperial Army. Conquering new worlds and all :)