Friday, 2 October 2015

Forge World Release 02/11/2015

Hi all!

Lovely looking Contemptor arm up for pre order today! Definitely going to get one for my Salamanders!!

What do you think? 



  1. Replies
    1. the 40k Open Day is soon - we will get enough stuff this month :D

  2. Nice retro feel (heat ray!), will be good to see painted! (and not in the chipped white of an old-school room heater)

  3. What I think? I think I need at least one of these!

  4. Choooooooooom! That thing should be great for Zone Mortalis - or against infantry armies :D

  5. I don't care about how useful this thing can be, I need it for my Dreadnought. <3

    Please FW, show us some Ultramarine Swagemptor Dread at the Open Day! :'^<

  6. Did anyone else notice the rules update... it now has 3 attacks... thats cool and all but doesn't a reg dreadnought have 4 attacks now?

    1. Hmm in the profile is states +1 attack for adding a CCW... normally it is +1 attack if you have 2 CCWs so maybe in this case you get +1 attack for each CCW, what do you guys think?

    2. It doesn't mention anything about losing an attack if the CCW is replaced, so I simply think it's an early christmas gift from FW to all the Contemptor lovers out there.. ;)

    3. I think you just have +1 attack if you bring 2 CCWs.

      But thanks to poor wording, you could TECHNICALLY have 4 attacks just by buying another CCW - wish "grants the Dreadnought an additional CC attacks" - no matter if you keep the first one, as you don't lose any attack by remplacing your CCW...

      So yeah, +1 attack for taking the optional CCW and another +1 for wielding two. It is possible if you RAW it. But don't. It makes no sense.The rules just suppose you still have your basic CCW when buying the other.

      But as I said, RAW makes it possible, so...

    4. Woaw... I guess you're right, Idaeus... Replacing the ranged weapon with the CCW and then replacing the standard CCW with a ranged weapon (such as the free TL heavy-bolter) would technically, based on the wording of the upgrades, give it an additional attack for free..
      Now that said, I believe the "This grants the Dreadnought an additional close combat attack" is a reference to 2 CCW => +1 attack rule. But I can easily see how this could be understood as first mentioned.

    5. Exactly that. Fortunately I think 99% of the playerbase will assume the +1 is for double CCW. But, hey, we must be prepared if we ever meet the local That Guy...^^

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. In other news: Wolf King is up for pre-order ^_^

    1. *closes eyes and hopes Santa got that early letter in the mail*

    2. since i was rather happy with Cybernetica (besides that it arrived 2 months late ... >.>) i have ordered it ... and who knows, if they are faster this time, i can give a review :p

  9. I don't care about the rules. They look awesome and I already have 2 on order. Wish they would do more 30k art showing them employed.

    1. To be fair as far as i can tell they're quite alright rulewise.. Granted they're not Kheres, but at least they are TL...
      But even if they were the price of a tank with bolter stats i'd still equip most of my Dreads with them, so I know what you mean. ;)
