Tuesday 31 July 2018

Adeptus Titanicus - what are you getting?

Hi all

With Adeptus Titanicus coming soon, I thought I would just ask what is everyone’s plans? What Legio are you going for? What Titans are you getting? Any flourishes you will be adding? What do you hope to see in the future?

Let us know?! How keen are you!?


  1. I want to see the return of epic, but streamlined game play. I would like to see all the other races represented too.

  2. I am getting everything they release for it. The FW boards, multiple starter box sets, lots of buildings. I will have two or three Maniples for loyal and traitor legions and accompanying Knights Households. As FW adds on units and weapons my Legios will grow. I would also like to have 12 Warlords painted in Ordo Sinsiter colors.

    1. Hi BigJon. I am also going to try and do the 12 Warlords of Sinister at sometime in the future! Just need colour scheme, transfers and upgrades!!

      What Traitor and what Loyalist force are you doing at launch?

    2. I'm trying to decide if I want to represent the battle of the Burning of Prospero with Legio Xestobiax vs. Legio Mortis and Sinister or the Schism of Mars with Legio Tempestus vs. Legio Mortis. I will eventually do both. I will be buying two or three of the Grand Master kits.

  3. I keen as beans. Partly because everything else to me is in a lacklustre state. I would very much like to see xenos races integrated into the system - and how different their cards and operation would be! That's fantastic complexity that I would love to see. Hoping they eventually work towards tanks and infantry too. The "release details" have changed a lot and currently I don't think they'll be doing it soon or ever but hey I can hope. If it stays titans vs imperial titans forever i'd even give it a pass, but since I don't know they've suckered me into buying a grand master set when it comes out :P

  4. I am a bit on the fence here. I think the potential of the system is great as the scale is a bit larger than the "old" epic, so there is more for a painter to do with the models. On the other hand, since I do not play that much I might stick to 30k/40k scale as I already have quite a substantial force (might actually be able to play AT in that scale if I could find and opponent). But, if I did invest in this system (which I might) I would need to paint up at least one fraction of loyalist Northern Ghosts. Legio Mortis is also an option as I like the red and black scheme.

    1. Hi! Thought it would be great to see Northern Ghosts in 8mm too.
      Regarding Epic, I could imagine them doing it eventually, but consider how large the model range is in 40k scale currently. Imagine trying to create 8mm scale models for all of those units.

  5. I'll probably get one Warlord to build, paint and sit on my desk at work. As at the scale of titanicus the model is more manageable. (I would have liked to have the power claw option and may even just wait for FW to bring that out first as I love the look of that weapon.)

    1. Great. You could always go half and half with a mate for the other Engine, that way you get a fun game out of it too.

      What colours would you go for?

    2. I could go half and half but then again that requires someone to split the box and then play the game with. (My regular gaming group has become unhappy with 8th edition 40k and have refused to play other games I have suggested choosing instead to focus on solely playing D&D.)

      I branched out and attended a few 30k gaming nights but then it became harder to find opponents. [Nobody wants to play against mechanicum {and I haven't even used my ordinatus Ulator that thing is more broken than phosphex, it was good for dealing with invisibility spam back in the days of cross play between 30&40k)]

      I will look over the known titan legions and come to a decision upon getting the model. (Or even create my own custom scheme and go crazy)

  6. A lot of Adeptus Titanicus is essentially mentally building what I want to do at the 28mm scale; so, that means Legio Mortis for me, and I'll be snapping up a Reaver regardless of what else is going to be there. I can't wait until some warhounds get released, because then I'll be recreating my Cinder Wolf and its stumpy beetle knight guards (Can't wait for the Cerastus either, always loved the look of those).

  7. I’m not sure, I hardly have enough Hobby time at 28mm...

    1. Siph! No! Come to AT. . . it is warm by the Plasma Reactor . . .sit. . . roll some dice. . . . there, that’s nice isn’t it?

    2. Drake, you're killing me through laughter!

    3. We’ll see... still need to get Dominus Victoria ready for The Walk UK 2019 first :D

  8. I'm eying the Rules Set, a Warlord, two Warhounds, and a Reaver for now. Classic maniple in mind. Space and funds will be the major factor for me.

    1. Starter box,reaver, ...... awe whom I kidding? ALL OF IT AS FUNDS become AVAILABLE!!!!!!

    2. [Slides credit card over the counter at Games Workshop] whispers: . . . Demi-Legio . . .

  9. I'm just going for knights - I've wanted to build a knight household for ages and this is my chance to do it. Might just adapt 8th or 7th edition rules for miniature combat rather than picking up the ruleset.

    I hope that they'll get round to doing cerastus and mechanicus knights sooner or later too. My dream is to have the equivalent of a cavalry charge, but with knight lancers...

  10. I’m really looking forward to this release as I won’t be building any 28mm scale titan legions, so Adeptus Titanicus fits the brief perfectly. Thinking Mortis as they feature throughout Horus Heresy and then maybe a loyalist maniple or two. Like the idea of linking 30k games with AT in same campaign.

  11. Hey Bunnies, are you going to the european fest?

    1. Hey Luca. Unfortunately not this year (I’m on holiday myself).

  12. 2 warlords, 4 reavers, 6 warhounds. Maybe a Legio Sinister. House malinax.

    1. Péter. Two whole Axiom Maniples with a spare hunting pack. Very cool.

  13. I'd like to see confirmed prices :p

    1. Hi Nick. They are all up now on various sites.

  14. In thinking about which legion, which was the main legion at Calth with the UMs? In book 5 Tempest, it looks like Legio Praesagius was the main titan legion there. Being a UM fan boy, wanted to form a titan legion with some UM affiliation.

    1. It’s a damn good shout. Kaelo is doing a Praesagius Axiom Maniple. Expect a painting guide on them in the near future.

  15. Grandmaster box. My real dilemma is online or FLGS. I would do FLGS, but I am out of the country and even when I get back will still be traveling. Not sure I trust the store to hold on to them because my experience is that they are charitably an fLGS (small "f").
