Saturday 5 February 2022

Eldritch Omens: our Mymeara and Iron Warriors

Hi all

We have been sent the Eldritch Omens box as a sample! Woohoo. 

So Lauren had long term goals of starting Aeldari in a few years, but obviously she couldn’t wait. Lol

Lauren’s snow Camo has been done brilliantly. 

She had to choose one of the most difficult colour schemes, but she really loved it so there was no second choice for her. 

I decided to do Iron Warriors for mine and to follow the scheme for the Brass Scorpion from Forge World for my Maulerfiend. 

The two Character models are gorgeous. 

Lauren decided to have the Warp Spider pack and fusion gun for her Autarch. 

Wet pallets for the Gems is the future!

And I just had to go for the hammer. 

Don’t forget to follow us on TikTok @Battle_Bunnies

And Instagram: honey_the_destroyer88 and battle_bunnies_drake_seta

Battle Bunnies

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