Let’s see what we have been up to this week!
Rob has been doing: 1 Termite ready for digging, 10 Destroyers just waiting for a few decals and building a 10 men melta gun support squad, as well as a Carapace Vulcan Mega Bolter conversion.
Andy has been busy building rhinos for his salamanders! 3 more to get built!

Lukes started painting his mechanicum force in Xana colours starting off with the ordinatus platform

Drake has been working on a Leviathan Dreadnought that we were sent for review. He has COVID, but still hopes to wrap the big rippy beast up this week! More info and a guide to follow soon!
Drake has been working on a Leviathan Dreadnought that we were sent for review. He has COVID, but still hopes to wrap the big rippy beast up this week! More info and a guide to follow soon!
Hector has been busy building more of his Ultramarines this week. He's built most of his Fulmentarus, a Command Rhino and 2 Spartans (one with a magnetised banner to show it is the commanders tank - so either Guilliman or a Praetor). Got a Land Raider left to build before the great resin wash!
Ikthelion has started assembling some Dark Angels for a doubles event later in the year; he’s started with a couple of Tactical Squads, some Destroyers and a Praetor
What have you been up to?
Battle Bunnies.
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