Tuesday 13 September 2022

Terror Tuesday! Horus Heresy 2.0 Night Lords - List evolution

Hello Bunnies! 

I’ve been getting in some good games recently. Mostly against Dark Angels, which is nice and thematic! I have made a couple changes to my original list following some pretty crushing defeats! Below are some thoughts on what I am currently running and a couple pictures on dreads that have nothing to do with the list! 

As a quick reminder here is the original 3k list;

10 Contekar Terminators
Terror Squad 10 man
Terror Squad 10 man
Terror Squad 10 man
14 Assault Space Marines
5 Tartaros Terminators
5 Tartaros Terminators
5 Tartaros Terminators
5 Tartaros Terminators 
Storm Eagle Assault Gunship

It struggled in several places, the scoring was the Assault marines but I found trying to keep them safe a waste of points. The Storm Eagle with Sev and the Contekar was being mostly useless being to late to the game to make any impact or being intercepted out of the sky. I was enjoying the deep striking terminators though. I decided to lean a bit more into this and get more terminators in! I have tried out getting in some cheap tactical squads in and running Sev in a Land Raider but the tactical squads were shot to bits and again did nothing for the points. The Land Raider wasn’t quite as resilient as I had hoped and I had to duck and cover with Sev as he was the only model left alive before my terminators arrived. With all this in mind here is the list that I will be now having a go with;

12 Contekar 
10 Tartaros Terminators 
10 Tartaros Terminators 
10 Contekar
10 Contekar
Spartan Assault Tank

This is a bit of ambitious list! Leaving 40 Terminators in reserve and just the Spartan on the table. I did want to avoid using a Spartan but the other options that I have just don’t quite seem to be cutting it. Lets see if it works! The deep strike will be devastating though and it fits in with how I think Sev would go to battle. I will be giving this list a few games in the coming weeks. Keeping that Spartan alive will be the key or perhaps just driving it straight into the lines of the enemy and causing as much fear as possible will be the way to go! 

The Prince of Crows will come visiting next week!

Happy gaming!


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