Saturday 24 December 2022

Horus Heresy: Shadow Wolf’s Blood Angels

Hiya all

One of my long time friends has sent pics in of his Blood Angel army, so I thought I would put them up today on the site :)

Raldoron 1st Captain of the IX Legion. 

Details and blood have been painted really well. 

Stone looks great too. 

Imperial Space Marine

Spartan Battle Tank

Primus Medicae

Xyphon interceptor

And big Sanguinius himself. 

Really well done on the scenic base. 


  1. Nice to see the Blood Angels represented. It's also great to see more posts from Battle Bunnies. It's really been getting my hobby juices flowing and making me guilty with my Heresy Pile Of Shame. Got to do more....

  2. You honour me and I intend to keep doing the IXth proud!
