Tuesday 25 August 2015

Applying Banner Transfers to Heresy models

Hi all. 

Let's show you how I did it. 

Firstly the new Forge world transfers feel very thin compares to the old ones, which can only be a good thing. The older ones were a bit harder to use Micro Sol and Micro set with.

Firstly I chose the banner I wanted. In this case I chose this one with the big Iron Warrior helmet. I like this one but I was torn between two. Now I'm very tempted to buy more of the banner bearers so that I can use all of them.

Firstly we cut it out with the scalpel. At this point ensure you scalpel blade is very very sharp.

Rest the cut out square onto a piece of kitchen towel which has been wet through so that it absorbs some of the moisture but does not wash away the adhesiveness. 

We want to cover flag surface in micro sol this will allow us to contort and shape the transfer at the next stage to the banner itself.

Slide the transfer into place ensuring that you get the top part in line with the top of the top of the fabric and at the bottom parts is dead centre at the point in this case.
Ensure that the top and bottom middle is a touching the centre of the flag as this is the place we will be pushing out from.

Using a wet Q-Tip you want to slowly push out from the centre so you are laying it down as every now and again you want to add a bit of Micro sol to it to soften the transfer and when it is fully pushed down you want to add more Micro sol and give it a few minutes to soak in

We then use the Q-Tip to push out the air bubbles and push the banner into the recesses of their creases at the top of the banner. 

We then force the banner transfer into the corners around the banner trim so that the connection is sharp and precise

We then take our very sharp scalpel and cut into where is the trim meets in the recess at the bottom of the banner. 

We careful cut up the along the sides following the recessed trim. 
This is why I have very sharp scalpel is very important at this stage. 

When the whole trim has been cut to shape, you flip the model over and look through to where the banner would be overlapping over to the black back. We then flip the model front and back cutting as we go until we are very happy with how it can bend over the top to the rear of the banner.

We then add more Micro sol and let it soak in and once again push further down into the recesses.
By this point hopefully we should have no bubbles or creases. We then apply micro set to the surface to shape and contort it better to the shape of the flag. 

Enjoy because all is done. 

Drake Seta


  1. Seems like a lot of work.. But damn, look at the result.. Well done, Drake, and thanks for sharing. :)

  2. This was never going to be easy, hats off though the end result is just fantastic. Decals are my least favourite thing to do, will have to pluck up the courage at some point.

  3. Pretty cool, thanks Drake :)

    and haha the look of your guy "oh, i have a pretty banner" :P

    1. Lol. "I like my Banner, still clean. Happy face"

      Cheers to the First Lady of Rumours.

  4. Those transfers are glorious! Do you think they will push out all 18 legions eventually?

    1. Raven Guard, Ultramarines, Word Bearers, Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists have been done / started. I am 100% certain they will. They are working on some Knight House ones soon too. Makabius here I come!!

  5. That looks awesome, thanks for the walk through!

  6. I pray for the day we use transfers instead of paint...lol

    Awesome work Tiko Brohey!

    1. What happened to Brother Kaelo? We need to send a rescue team! :^P

      Nice tutorial Drake! I've had some bad experiences with transfers so I rarely use them, but you made me change my mind. Thanks! ;^)

    2. No probs. Try to get some "micro sol" and "micro set" too.

  7. That result is incredible...wow!

  8. if i did a tutorial like that ... about part way through there would be a pic of the min smashed against the wall ... and an empty beer bottle laying next to it.

    1. No need for a tutorial, i think we've all lived it at one point!

    2. Lol. I picture it as one of those how to guides on YouTube. . . Wetting the transfer with urine and slapping the mini constantly. . .

    3. haha yeah that would prob be about accurate ... last time i tried transfers was back in the 80's on model cars ... and all i can remember is the car ended up not having any at all on it.

    4. . . . Yet you had some nifty hot rod tattoos on your hands, cheek and tongue for a bit I bet :)

    5. hah!! yep you got it right!

  9. Imperial fists are worked on/done!? I hadn't seen anything on them yet. Excited to get them after seeing how awesome this turned out.
    Now, if the salamanders could get theirs sooner than later!

    1. yep, they should be available soon^^ (although ravenguard should be released first^^)

    2. True. We could actually see Jes Goodwins daughter working on them at the FW open day. Look great so far.

  10. Do you also use micro set? If so, what's the difference as I have both :)
