Monday 5 February 2018

An apology from Drake Seta

Hi all

On Saturday I put up a summary of the seminar which I attended and I would like to apologise for incorrectly and out of context reporting the words of Tony Cottrell. This post was taken down very quickly too. I have the upmost respect for the man and think what he has done for the hobby and Forge World could be matched by no other. His presentations are brilliant and the way he interacts with his audience is fantastic. 

My personal opinion is that there was no malice or prejudice in the joke, but in written word and out of context it can be construed differently. 

I will be more careful in my comments in the future, but I believe I may be stepping back from reporting from seminars in the future and leaving it to the company itself.


Drake Seta


  1. Personally the whole thing has been blown out of proportion. People get offended by anything nowadays. The comment, in context, was absolutely fine. When read online though people bring their own opinions and inner beliefs to it and that is when it gets blown out of proportion. Before anyone starts having a go at my beliefs - I believe in equality in all areas of life regardless of any characteristics you can be defined by.

    1. "Text lacks tone" is a common thing to remember when you send a text message. It lacks context on its own and robs the sender of intent. This applies in blogging as well, where context and intent matter so much more because of the wider audience.

      It is good on Drake to apologize for his role in it from the standpoint of his involvement. But honestly, the fault lies more with a person who opens the fire up to be started and even Forge World had a Mea Culpa. This has been blown out of proportion, so I both accept Drake's apology AND wish to keep seeing him do his usual awesome. I love having my 30k gurus up to their usual. Grow from the experience and keep being awesome. ^.^

  2. I don't know what this was about (and couldn't care less) but one thing holds, it has been a great time for the hobby all these years bar for the issue of making everybody happy. It was much more simple when it was just a bunch of folks with a couple of figures and their imagination to fill in the gaps. All the best.

  3. I actually enjoy your coverage Drake.

    Didn't see the comment - but hey! You're only human! It would be a shame to lose your excellent coverage (it's how I chanced upon the blog in the first place, and I've been here since then).

    If everyone turned around when a blip came up, Space Hulk would have been rubbish.

    1. If I could give upvotes I would. Blips and Space Hulk... genius.

      Drake Fella, chin up mate. Report what you want, how you want. If you think you made a mistake so be it, but it’s your blog, blog whatever and however you like. If GW give you access and sneaks by contract then so be it, if it’s just a bunch of Bunnies reporting what they love, crack on. You obviously feel what you said was a mistake, so delete and carry on.

    2. Drake, you have my support as well. As true fan of the hobby i really appreciate what you have done and your doing. Thank you.

  4. Bit off topic this - but as this is the latest post-- Was/is the HH ruled Journal a weekender exclusive? or will be at events later in the year?> If anyone knows??

  5. Hey man. Youve got most of the comunities support in some way shape or form. Cool of you to accept responsability but honestly everyone should really take a step bacl and think things through a bit before launching an attacl aginst a comment. About little plastic soldiers.
    I wont claim to know what this is all about, just wanting to give my support.

  6. I saw the original post and with the little context available to those of us who weren’t there, it did sound pretty ill-advised. I assume it played a little better in person. But no big deal; looking at FW’s post on Facebook, pretty much everyone bothered by what may have been said is fine with FW’s apology.

    Please keep giving us event information - we can’t all make it over there and this has been an isolated incident rather than a pattern.

  7. While I can tell you've been emotionally affected by all this, I think it would be helpful if you let folks know exactly what happened - while the churn from the initial post is relatively small, I've seen posts from a couple women saying they're out of the hobby based on what Cottrell allegedly said. Your apology says that you quoted him "incorrectly and out of context" - does that mean your quote wasn't accurate, or that you shouldn't have quoted him? If the former, what did he actually say?
    The lack of information available is causing people (particularly women who play GW games) consternation, with people theorizing it's a GW cover-up, so providing more than an apology with verbiage that could be interpreted multiple ways could go a long way to allaying some concerns and, if justified, could also take some heat off Mr. Cottrell.
