Saturday 11 June 2022

Horus Heresy: Night Lords Preview

Hello Bunnies! 

Today we come in darkness to spread terror amongst the populace as the Night Lords descend! I will be previewing the new rules that the Night Lords in 2.0. One of the last legions to get a solid update in 1.0, we again have a new rule set and with it some changes to many a ‘standard’ Night Lord List. I love the Night Lords and I’m really excited to get stuck into making a great legion! 

To understand a lot of what is going on for the Night Lords you will need to understand the changes to night fighting and Fear. Night fighting now causes all units to suffer a -1 to Leadership and Ballistic skill. You also can not draw line of sight to any unit that is more than 24 inches away. This is really different to 1.0 and in my first couple of games with this rule it is really good for the rest of the legion rules, the key is to finding out how best to exploit these benefits. Worth noting, night vision ignores these effects. Fear now works perfectly with night fighting and is much improved in my opinion. Fear now does a flat effect of reducing the leadership of any models within 12 inches by the number in brackets. Fear (2) means that units within 12 reduce leadership by 2. This is great! When you stack this up with night fighting and Marines now being leadership with a sergeant in the squad means that they will be taking leadership on 5!! Time to really start spreading fear! 

Legion Trait: A Talent for Murder

When you shoot at or fight a unit that is pinned, falling back or you outnumber you get +1 to wound. This is a pretty big change to the previous version, it now triggers under more circumstances, however we have lost the +1 to hit rolls and it’s just down to wound rolls. Another thing of note is that it applies to armour pen rolls too. Vehicles now gain the benefit as well, counting as 10 models. Oddly Dreads lose out in this rule, as far as I can see they only count as one model. Bulky models now count for the number in brackets following Bulky. Working out how to pin units reliably could be the key to really unlocking this rule. Of course our access to large squads helps out with outnumbering. Very pleased with this rule, yes some was lost but the extra triggers and vehicles gaining the benefit outweigh the loss. 

Advance Reaction: The Better Part of Valour

This is a once per game in the Assault phase reaction. When a charge is declared against you, you can trigger this reaction you immediately fall back in the same way as if you had failed a morale check. Once this move is complete if you’re still within 12 inches then the charge roll is made to see if your opponent can make it to you. If you go outside of 12 then your opponent can redirect the charge. This is an interesting reaction, fits nicely with the legion I think. This could turn the charge back around on your opponent, as you make the charge longer the chances to fail increase and then you can get your own charge in next turn. I nice way to potentially alter the course of the fight. 

Warlord Traits:

Warmonger - This trait give your warlord and any unit they join +1 to all hit rolls when targeting enemy units that contain one or more models with the Independent Character who is also loyal. Nice bonus but means you need to go hunting for Independent Characters, so a little situational. 

Jadhek Clanlord - This gives your warlord and his unit Counter Attack (1). It allows you to ignore movement and charge penalties when going through terrain. You can re roll failed dangerous terrain tests as well. This is a solid and useful warlord trait all around really. 

Flaymaster - You gain Fear (1) and each time your warlord is part of a combat that that results in the unit being wiped out or kills a enemy in a challenge the value of Fear increases by 1 up to a max of 3. Again a useful trait as long as you pick your targets well! If you can get up to 3 that could be really nasty for your opponent! 

Rites of War:

The Swift Blade - This was added in the update to the legion in the 1.0 and has carried over relatively unchanged. You can still field 5 HQs, 1 has to be a praetor and the rest centurions and they have to be mounted on bikes or jetbikes. No benefit is gained for killing the warlord until all of the HQs are dead. Each warlord gains the Jadhek Clanlord warlord trait as well. Though only 1 extra reaction and not 5! You also get access to outriders as troops, however they don’t gain line. This looks really interesting and like it could be a lot of fun to play! The biggest downside to this is Rite is scoring, as you probably want to fill up on bikes to go with your HQs, but as they don’t score you will need some other Line units in there. You could use all those centurions as heralds, as the Legion Standard gives you Line. 

Terror Assault - The classic Night Lord Rite of War is back better and worse at the same time! Night fighting is in effect for the first and second game turns, no roll required. It carries on to the 3rd turn on a 4+, after that it ends. This is the better part. Night Raptors and Terror Squads become troops, however they don’t gain Line and therefore cannot score. This is the worse part. Any character in the detachment also gains Fear (1), this is the second better part. As discussed earlier Fear works really well with night fighting. The usual restrictions for Terror Assault are still in, only 1 Heavy support and this time around no Lords of War or super heavies. Drop pod access has gone but this is now on the Terror Squad profile. Overall this is still a great Rite but lists will need to change to get that all elusive scoring into the list. 


Nostraman Chain Weapons - This includes the Chainblade from the Contekar, the glaive and the Headsman axe. The all provide a different strength increase but all have Shred and Breaching (6+). Great weapons that are now better than before! 

Escaton Power Claw - Access to this Power Claw has now been widened out past the Contekar. Still basically a power fist, however is now has Shred and Murderous Strike (6+). Another weapon that is better than previously. The weapons feel and look really good. 

Bloody Murder - A new rule for the Night Lords, can be given to Independent Characters, when you charge a unit that is Pinned or Falling Back the charge gains a +1 modifier. You also gain +1 attack for the turn if you charge successfully. The key for this again comes back to Pinning units to really gain the benefit. I’ve not yet been able to pull this off in my games but I haven’t got the Pinning solutions worked out yet. 

Prey Sight - This is a disappointing change but then with the changes to night fighting it is probably a fair change. Prey Sight gives you Night Vision for 15 points a unit. Given this used to be freely included with the legion rules in 1.0, it is a real change for the Night Lords. 

Trophies of Judgement - This can now be taken by any Character and it gives you the Fear (1) special rule. Still good but no use for those using Terror Assault, as it’s included within the Rite but those not will probably find good use for this. 

Konrad Curze: 

He was solid before, now he looks really good! The only downside is he is only move 8 and he is no longer jump infantry like before, however his armour now allows him to ignore all modifiers to his movement and auto pass dangerous terrain tests.Plus if you choose to run he adds 12 to his move instead of the usual initiative characteristic. His Warlord traits gives every unit (except vehicles) in the army Night Vision and Bloody murder for free! On top of that they all become immune to the Fear rule. He has Fear (3), Hit and Run and has gained a Psychic power. The psychic power gives Curze +1 attack and Feel No Pain (4+), the downside is that the leadership test for the power has to be made on a 7 and if failed he suffers a perils of the warp. Mercy and Forgiveness (His weapons) give him +1 attack, getting him to 8 basic! They have Shred and Murderous Strike (4+). His widowmakers (range attack) is no where near as good as they no longer ignore all saving throws but they do rend on 4+. If he and his unit remove a whole unit during assault, then every unit the can draw line of sight to him must make a Pinning test. I am loving the look of him, and the only downside now is what unit do you put him with. He is to slow for jump and to quick for everything else! I can’t wait to get him on the tabletop though and see how much butt he can kick!

Terror Squad: 

The main stay of many a Night Lord list, they are very similar to before. Unfortunately they didn’t get the additional wound that many units have and have entirely lost access to Melta bombs. This is a bit of a shame as they had become my main anti tank option, 10 melta bombs hoping out of a dreadclaw and blowing stuff up is no more! They are now back to infantry killing, the weapon options for which are mostly the same but access to the Chainblade is now possible. Rotor Cannons maybe your best friends as the cause Pinning now and do so at a -1 modifier as well, those leadership 8 models minus night fighting and fear could be getting Pinned a lot! They do cause Fear standard, still have preferred enemy (infantry) and infiltrate. You also have the new Bloody Murder rule and can be taken in squads of 15, great for outnumbering but not for transporting. Access to Rhinos, Dreadclaws and Drop pods are all possible. Dreadclaws aren’t what they were and drop pods don’t come in turn 1 any more. An Infiltrating Rhino may become very popular. Also missing is Night Vision, so you will need to pay for the Prey Sight with these guys. Lastly they have the Skirmish Sub-type which give them a 3 inch unit coherency. A little up and down but still look great and will probably be in most Night Lords lists, points wise they come out very similar to the previous edition, cheaper if you don’t want Night Vision. 

Night Raptor Squad: 

Weapon skill 5, 2 attacks basic, jump packs and they have gained an extra wound! They have Fear, Bloody Murder and Night Vision standard. They have also gained Sudden Strike (1), which gives +1 initiative on a turn you charge. They to can take Chainblades and Chainglaives. Special weapons are also available 1in 5. 2 lightning claws have also dropped in price, and lightning claws are better overall now too. They also have the Skirmish sub-type. They are looking really solid, point heavy perhaps but they will be packing a mean punch! 


A lot of good news for these, they have gained the extra wound for being terminators. They are also stubborn and chosen warriors now. They have Fear and Deep strike as well. No Night vision though. They are still able to be taken as a HQ choice as long as Curze and Sev aren’t present. Sev can still take them instead of a command squad. They can still be taken in 15 man squads. The gun options haven’t changed and the Volkite has stayed at 10 inch range. Again really looking forward to putting these guys out on the field of batter. I have 45 of them, and feel this edition has only made them better. 


My favourite character in the Hersey! Nearly all my lists have him in, and thankfully he to has only improved. His ‘weaker’ profile has gone and he now only has the better options or Artificer armour and Nights Whisper included as base. Nights Whisper is actually better now as well, it is +2 strength and has gained Master Crafted and Murderous Strike. He has Fear (2) which is great! He is still a psyker, though he has his own power which is no where near as good as the re roll everything he had before. Now he simple gains as extra attack and weapon skill but needs to pass on leadership 7 or suffer perils. Dirty Fighter now gives him instant death if fighting someone weapon skill 5 or higher in a challenge. I am not sure if Challenges are a bit a trap now wounds don’t spill out of the Challenge but do spill in, thankfully he has gained Precision Strike (4+). His Warlord trait gives deep strike to all terminators in the list (but not him) and all of those terminators that deep strike gain preferred enemy everything on the turn they arrive! I will definitely be running this to see how good it is, deep strike also can Pin nearby units. I am really pleased with how Sev has ended up and I will again be including him in most of my armies. 

While there is some bad news, the overall picture for the Night Lords still looks good. List building will certainly be changing a fair bit to get those Line units in and anything that can Pin will be a great add to the army as well. Recons and rotor cannons will probably find there way into mine and many others lists for that very reason. I am excited to spread terror amongst my opponent’s in the new edition!

Happy gaming!



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