Friday 10 June 2022

Horus Heresy: Vlka Fenryka preview

Hi all 

Let’s have a look at the Rout!

Assessment of their special Legion Trait (Bestial Savagery):
This is a brilliant trait which epitomises the Rout in my opinion. So let’s take a Grey Stalker Squad with Boltguns for this example (who also have relentless), they Move 7” + their run move 4” (due to the Grey Stalkers initiative) so can move 11” in their movement phase. They can then snap fire with their Bolters (1x at 24” or 2x at 12”, so sometimes it pays to get the second turn) hitting on 6’s. They can then charge at 2xD6+0” (so averagely 7”). So they can race across the battlefield 18” in a turn. Throw them in a Spartan have it move at combat speed and you have hopefully a 24” Rout move turn 1!
So yeah. It’s a good Trait. 

Assessment of their Advanced reaction (No prey escapes the Wolf):
Can be used once a game. So if an enemy unit moves within 12” of a Rout unit, that Rout unit can immediately do a 4” move, then charge (which is carried out immediately). So pretty cool!

Assessment of their Warlord Traits:
Howl of Morkai - Warlord and his unit get a tasty strength bonus once per game on a turn they charged. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player's Movement phase so long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.
Hunger of the Void - if he is hurt he regains a wound if he wounds someone in any assault phase, otherwise he gets strength and attack dice boons. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase so long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. 
Crown Breaker - get him hunting those independent Characters for Preferred enemy and Feel no pain boons. In addition, an
army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player's Movement phase so long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. 

So out of these I possibly like Hunger of the Void the best. Kinda covers you with the fact you are trying to get your Rout in close quarters (so you can get some overwatch in if you are over reaching yourself) but also you are encouraged to get your big guy in causing some damage. 

Assessment of their Rites of War:
The Black Watch - this RoW can only be used where the Rout are chosen as an allied detachment. It showcases the watch packs that were sent to watch over the Primarchs, in case they turned bad! Gives quite a few boons to a force which you want to use to hunt an enemy Primarch, including preferred enemy and a boosted charge range. 
It’s ok, but not something I would imagine seeing often (unless a heavily pointed mega veteran squad was decided upon). 

The Pale Hunters - This would be a good one. So Grey Stalkers and Slayers gain the Hit and Run Special Rule, but at least 1x unit in the RoW must be assigned to a flanking assault. There is also some limitation on Heavy support. 
This would be good for a quick moving force in my opinion. Infantry and Cavalry can get Outflank for free too. 
The Bloodied Claw - this is to be used on that one turn where all your efforts come together. If paired with the Howl of Morkai Warlord Trait, it would be utterly devastating (your Warlord unit would charge at S6 due to Furious charge). 
So for one turn until the beginning of your next turn, the Rout are Stubborn, have Furious charge and fleet 2”. So this will really help to get the Fenrisians into hand to hand. 

Assessment of their Armoury/special Consul: 
Fenrisian Axe - extra strength again! Sooo a Warlord + Entourage, with the Howl of Morkai, with the Bloodied Claw RoW, loaded up with these axes would be at +3 strength for the turn. That’s savage. 
Also the more people they are in hand to hand with the more attacks they knock out due to the reaping Blow weapon trait. 

Assessment of Leman Russ. 
Took him against Perturabo tonight (with Hammer). Russ managed to batter him into the ground in two Turns. Counter attack (2) dissuades other Primarchs from charging Russ a bit though. If Russ Charges, on the turn he charges, the opponent has a -1 to hit in Melee. 
His Gun is good, but his axes and sword is where it is at. Sword for cleaving through infantry and Multi wound units. The Axe is definitely for vehicles!

Assessment of Units. 
Well the Grey Stalkers and Grey Slayers there is not really too much different between them (where you are trying to make models from the kits in the book). They have the same special rules too. 
Grey Stalkers can pack some Special weapons, whilst the Stalkers can pack Combat Shields. 

1 comment:

  1. Good day. Can you tell me please what is the title of the book which are you posted above ?? Thanks in advance.
