Sunday 17 July 2022

Weekly Progress Report: 17/07/2022

Hi all,

The Bunnies have been busy again this week!

Luke's continuing building up his dark mechanicum force, he's experimented with the plastic skulls set from Games Workshop to create a very dark thalax Court

This week Rob has completed a Kratos, 10 men heavy weapon squad, build/converted an Alpha Character by the name if Exodus and is now working on a destroyer squad and Termite

Drake has been practising with some Greenstuff for his Vlka Fenryka. He's been following some tutorials online but still hopes to get better!

Hector has continued mustering his Ultramarines and taking advantage of the hot weather here in the UK by taking his hobby outside for the weekend while The Open is on. He has built all of his tactical marines (but without resin upgrade bits - he is planning on creating MkVI shoulder pads from MkIV ones) and is about to make a start on his terminators and characters next.

Let us know what you have been working on!

Battle Bunnies

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