I have finished the Kill Team Moroch scenery that we were sent for review. So I have come up with a really easy method for it if you are interested!

Painting guide:
- Undercoat with Chaos Black.
- Airbrush all over with a mix of 1:1:1 of Dryad bark, Abaddon black and Warplock Bronze. You can use a rattle can of Mournfang Brown, but it is a bit redder (and what I have used below which I am not too happy with). You can always add some very light sponging of Mournfang Brown to add some variety to the rust colours.
- Wet drybrush quickly; Vallejo Chipping Medium over the edges of the entire scenery set and where wear and tear could happen (step edges and areas of regular footfall). LEAVE TO DRY FOR 24 HOURS or the chipping medium might fail/mix with the next layer.
- Airbrush Nurgling green over the entire model. Leave to dry for a few hours.
- Get a standard kitchen sponge (clean). Wet it (not soaking) and skim it roughly over the edges of the green buildings, this will activate the chipping medium and allow you to pull green paint off of the edges to make it look like it has been chipped off. You can practice and play with this until you are happy with the effect (remember, less is sometimes more, so make sure you get some source images to hand so you don’t go too far with it.
- Then paint all details how you wish them to look.
- When you are happy, seal with Klear/pledge floor polish or Gloss varnish.
- Then you you have the option of: (A) making a oil wash of burnt umber, raw umber and black oils and odourless white spirits, dabbing over all bolts and into the recesses, waiting to dry and use white spirit and cotton rags (and Cotton wool bud sticks) to buff it off leaving just a recessed residue. (B) same as above but with AK Interactive streaking grime or AK Interactive dark brown wash. (C) pin washing Agrax earthshade and adding Typus Corrosion into the grimier areas.
- Other weathering like Nihloc Oxide onto brass areas etc and any finishing touches (like using lead pencils to add worn silver edges to the most chipped areas).
- Seal with Munitorium Varnish.
Surprised myself 2 pieces in by being a bit rough with a clean wet sponge.
Throne I love an oil wash.

Decided to go rusty on the dish itself. White May have been better though in hindsight.

In time I will add a Transfer or numeral on this I think.

Lovely and rusty gate.

Did I say I love oils.

I wanted it to look old a derelict, so it would fit in with the Ash Waste terrain which was recently painted by @eyecon74 as another review item.
You can see the final lead edging I did on the pipe here too.
As you can see it’s possibly one shade too red!

It’s a great terrain set. Hope it can be expanded too.

Has a play with Dirty Down rust on this model for the roof. It came out really well
Has a play with Dirty Down rust on this model for the roof. It came out really well
Drake Seta
Battle Bunnies
These terrain pieces and paint job are fantastic, i'm sure they will make your games more inmersive!