Saturday 17 September 2022

Leagues of Votann: Battle Report and founding the Ryâkan Combine Homebrew League

Hi all

So we received a copy of the new Leagues of Votann army box for review from Games Workshop!

So many of you may know how much I just love Squats and have been screaming for them to come back for years, so understandably I was over Lunar to receive them (An unboxing video is a day or two away). 

I immediately set to it and decided my Squats were going to be a primarily ranged force. I opened the book to see the fantastic yellow fatigues and black armoured Squats of the Kronos Hegemony. But after reading about them they were more of a let’s get toe to toe army with a lot of beating your foe in close quarters about them. 

Thus the Ryâkan Combine was created. I will write some background about them in time, but let’s just say they are a Combine between the Ryâdak and Kannâk mini Leagues. 
They have fantastic access to ballistic grade materials to improve their weapons, and spend much time honing their techniques. 

These are the Customs I have assigned to them :)

Leagues Customs: 
UNWAVERING DISCIPLINE: [Ancestral Judgement]. These Kin warriors are renowned for being stiff-necked and particularly disciplined. When their heroes mark a foe for destruction, they brook no distraction from their appointed task. Each time a model (excluding a COG model) with this custom makes an attack against a target that has 1 or more Judgement tokens, you can ignore any or all hit roll, Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill modifiers.
WEAPONSMITHS: Whether through the skill of their Kindreds' Brökhyr, or access to sources of rare and highly perilous ballistic materials, the Kindreds of this League are able to deploy exceptionally potent firearms throughout their Oathbands. Add 4" to the Range characteristic of all ranged weapons (excluding Relics) models with this custom are equipped with.
WARRIOR PRIDE: The warriors of this League of Votann pride themselves on their martial skills and their proficiency in combat. Each time a unit with this custom is selected to shoot or fight, you can re-roll one hit roll or one wound roll when resolving that unit's attacks.

My Warlord runs with the Warlord Trait: 6. GRIM DEMEANOUR (AURA)
This warlord's grim countenance is legendary, and they are rumoured to have never smiled. Such a demeanour is, of course, an outward sign of how seriously this warlord undertakes their solemn tasks, and under their stern gaze no Kin will be found wanting.
While a friendly Ryâkan Combine core unit is within 6" of this Warlord:
That unit can ignore any or all modifiers to it’s Leadership characteristic.
Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for that unit, you can ignore any or all modifiers.

So then the colour!

Issue was, I like the black plate and yellow fatigues of the Kronos Hegemony, buuuut when it gets translated to the Void armoured units and vehicles, they are 95% black at least. So I decide to flip it. 

Ryâkan Combine Painting Guide!

I wanted to make them very nice and easy and I think I achieved this. 

1) Undercoat with Wraithbone
2) apply Imperial Fist Contrast to all armour panels 
3) pin wash Fuegan orange or do a Lahmian/Fuegan orange mix glaze the model. 
4) apply Wyldwood Contrast to knee pads and belts
5) apply Black Templar Contrast paint to the fatigues
6) paint faces either Wyldwood or Guilliman flesh
7) paint details
8) seal with Pledge floor polish (formerly known as Klear, a quick Google will point you which you need). Let Dry
9) cover armour in AK interactive streaking grime and let dry until slightly tacky. 
10) use cotton wool buds to bring back to yellow, whilst leaving grime in recesses. 


Introducing my champion Kylû Fyrgrite. 

A Hernkyn Pioneer

And Hearthkyn Warrior

So I am very pleased with how they have turned out, quick and simple yet effective. 

Honey the Destroyer and I also had a battle with them (when at Battle Ready Standard) Aeldari of Craftworld Mymeara vs Ryâkan Combine. Have a watch and subscribe 

Battle Bunnies. 

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