Sunday 1 January 2023

Necromunda: Outland Beastmaster with Ripperjacks

Happy New Year all!!

Well this was unexpected.
I'm always surprised and the weird and wonderful characters that get released for Necromunda.

What we have this week is fresh out of a space horror.
The Beastmaster model itself is not that shocking... apart from having an oversized cattle prod. He has some nice features like a cloak possibly made out of hide, tusks attached to a face mask and a sawn-off shotgun tucked away in his dubious cloak.
The real surprise is his friends that are unlocked by taking a beastmaster as a hanger on.

Behold the horror of the Ripperjack!
Clearly someone was a fan of the "Alien" series and incorporated the facehugger into a giant space bat.
I personally love these things.

They have no armour, their claws aren't that good nor are they tough.
You take these guys because they horrifyingly cool and they inflict a -1 to hit against reaction attacks against any model they're eating in close combat.

It's a heafty investment in credits to hire them, 170pts for the Master and one Ripperjack.
However I'd take this purely to see the look on my opponent's face, when they see one of their fighters get massacred by this sump horror.

Very impressed, in this Ripperjack Fan's opinion, Necromunda models continue to have the most characters of GW's range.
Thanks to Games Workshop for the review item. 

The Goreycrow. 

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