Saturday 3 September 2022

Kill Team into the Dark: unboxing, review and painting guide

Hi all

We were fortunate to receive a review copy of the great new Kill Team into the Dark boxed game from Games Workshop. 

Have a look at our unboxing, game setup and painting guide in the video below. 

Don’t forget to subscribe too!

The terrain is really excellent. My first impression was that the detail was a bit too crowded, like the old imperial city board that Games Workshop did, where the footpaths just made no sense etc., but after painting it I was pleasantly surprised. It is more akin to an ancient submarine than a sci-fi warship. 
The terrain clips together nice and solidly, and I doubt there would be a mid game knock which would necessitate a full re build. 
The thicker the tiles are painted, the less connectable I think they will be, and they may end up having some paint scraped off where you put the lugs into the square supports. Any of you which have the Sector Mechanicus kits will know of what I speak. I personally would have preferred to have seen magnet holes, but without that option it is definitely the best option that they could have taken. The terrain team from Games Workshop are a very talented bunch!!

The video shows a painting guide I knocked together to give a fast and effective scheme, so you can get onto the battlefield nice and quick, and to do justice to the terrain. 

Yes! It’s a card one not a throne awful poster one (Please Games Workshop, no more poster battlefields!). The detail is great, and is take of some future up and coming 3D tile from what I can tell. Not sure how/if it will marry up with a 3D Space Hulk board game, but I am interested in seeing that. 
Kill Team is really strong as a board game, so it could be that a Terminator vs Genestealer game could be very effective and visceral. 

It takes about 8-15 minutes to prepare a battlefield, which is pretty good (experience will speed this up too). The maps are clear too. 

The Imperial Navy and Kroot models are beautiful. Lots of cool options and some really well designed assembly, especially for the Navy crew who actually have 2x part feet on some pieces, so to eliminate nasty mould shadows making them lose detail. 
You will see more of the Kroot in the coming days too!


Battle Bunnies. 

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