Tuesday 6 September 2022

Terror Tuesday! - Horus Heresy 2.0 Night Lords

 Hello Bunnies! 

Well a massively unexcepted announcement passed last week at the Nova Open, Horus Ascendend! What a model! This has thrown some of my plans into disarray! I played a Sons of Horus First Company army through all of 1.0 and had planned given that army a bit of a rest for 2.0 and focusing on the Night Lords and Salamanders. But that one model has sent shock waves through my plans!! So I will now potentially be spending some time getting my SoH First Company up to a standard ready to receive their new leader!

In the mean time I have several more units to show off for the Night Lords. Today I bring you my contemptor dread armed with Kheres and Chain fist. Aimed at a bit of a mixed role but mostly anti tank. I loved painting this model, it has been one of my favourites. 

I have had another couple of games with the Night Lords to mixed success. I have smashed a army, been smashed by another and then piecemealed off the board in another 2 games. I am generally think my list just isn’t quite cutting it. I have another 2 games this week and be trying out a new version. The one I proposed in my list preview a couple weeks back, still isn’t possible for me to field yet as I am waiting on plastic Land Raider and haven’t built the tactical marines to replace the assualt marines yet. I think I may try and get the tacticals built before Wednesday so I can start to get an idea of whether the improve the army or not. I may also give a Pride of the Legion list ago. If I do I will share with you all in the coming weeks.

Happy Gaming!



  1. Looking great, fan of your night lord colour too! Do you think we’ll see a new night haunter model? He didn’t really ascend I suppose though hmm

    1. Thank you! I really like the how the colour has come out! I would have said no way before, but given Horus Ascended being on the way, I now lean towards it being reasonably likely, it gets more likely if another Primarch model comes out!
