Sunday, 10 August 2014

Weekly Progress Report

Hi all. It's time for us bunnies to share with you our progress for this week. Unfortunately we only have updates for 2 of our bunnies this week, so let's get started

Drake Seta

Drake Seta is now adding the Battlements to the Curtain wall which is going to be used at the opening of our upcoming Compliance of Valten. 

He has ordered some chequer plate plastercard but Royal Mail are yet to deliver it. 

Targel Vypus

Due to us receiving a new air brush, I have been able to get all my little bits greyed up. Including back packs, arms, heads and shoulder pads, which as I'm sure you can imagine is a lot of bits lol. But this will insure I will be able to start making a huge dent on all my infantry for my word bearers so watch this space, there should be word bearer squads being completed left, right and centre.

That concludes this weeks progress report. Please comment below with your thoughts. Also don't forget to like our Facebook page and send in pics of your army and you may even get to see it on our armies on parade post every Wednesday :-)

Take care


  1. I have let you all down this week...I apologise...

  2. Have you got all your foot soldiers greyed now Targel? Or are there still more to be greyed?
    What have you got Legionnaire-wise in your list?

    1. Yes that is all my infantry greyed up for what I need at the moment, I will add to this in the future, but atm my infantry will consists of 40 tactical marines, 10 heavy support and 5 veterans

  3. Drake that wall looks amazing Perturabo would be pleased with that. Its just perfect i would love to game on it. Targel, how are the word bearers going.

    1. They are coming on very well atm. So you should start to see some more completed squads very soon

  4. That's real impressive, I hate to think how many hours have gone into that!

    1. The design took about 6 hours from pointer to printer, the wall has taken 12 hours so far to add the battlements (see recent post).
