Friday, 1 July 2016

Kaelo Rylanus; 01/07/2016 Forge World Release

Hey all

The Ursarax have finally been released! The Battle Bunnies were lucky enough to get a pack at Warhammer Fest, complete them and you can see them in action during the upcoming Purokar League campaign. They faired very well against marines lol.

They are spectacular models and at £10 each (£30 for 3) they are pretty good value for a group of sizeable models which are quite a good amount of points.

Will you be picking any up?

'Til next time, stay fluffy!



  1. Definitely! my army needs some assault goodies! Scyllax are cool and all but getting there is an issue....

    1. Loooove the Scyllax. I am not a massive mech fan but those models are gorgeous...odd that we don't have any lol...

  2. Been so focused on my iron warriors, there's so much to get for mechanicum support... I'm way behind

    1. Nice! Some mech would certainly compliment the IWs. Ursarax are pretty good face punchers of anything 3+ armour. I have also been pretty impressed with Thallax - very resilient and nice damage output.
