Monday, 2 January 2017

Adeptus Titanicus News

Howdy Guys and Girls :)

Some informations regarding the upcoming Adeptus Titanicus:

- Adeptus Titanicus is delayed (it was originally planned to be released around february). Not being rushed out. Might be out before the end of the year. 

- There will be complete plastic buildings (which you can destroy yourself, by cutting etc).
- Thanks to Blood Bowl, and the delay there is a possibility of plastic Titans which go on sale at the same time as the black book / resin ones.
- The book art for 'Titan's Death' is being worked on right now. 

Drake Seta and Lady Atia


  1. Is the black book you mention here an Horus Heresy black book, or a Adeptus Titanicus rule book?

    1. mummmm, plastic.... worth the wait as it will mean the game stands a greater chance of succeeding!

    2. Adeptus Titanicus Black Book :)

    3. Plastic would help it to succeed. Looking at the rumours that already came out about the models (equivalents to the FW dreads variants in size/pricing and such) along with no plastic starter set. I won't be able to afford to play it with resin only models :(

  2. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the success of Blood Bowl has delayed this. As in, Blood Bowl has been so ludicrously successful that they're going to hold this back to do it properly, ie with a full boxed game and plastics.

  3. Plástic Epic Titans... Best way to start the year for sure.


  4. I'll take the delay for plastics in a heartbeat.

  5. Well it's a shame it's delayed but on the other hand, maybe 2017 won't be quite as expensive as I thought.

  6. The delay is completely acceptable if it means even just warhounds in plastic.

  7. Omg omg The book art for 'Titan's Death' is being worked on right now - what is it? It's Forge World HH book number 9????

    1. I had a big discussion with Alan Bligh on this topic in November. It's not Forgeworld, but specialist games. So not number nine so to speak, but will have the feel of the FW black books. A lot of the resources will come from the FW, the art department for example.

    2. Awesome. We need massive Titans battles in HH and W40K and good lore and chronicles
