Friday, 3 February 2017

Roboute Guilliman returns in 40k

Hi all

We were told ages ago that he was coming back in 40k. Here he is. Roboute Guilliman. 

Roboute Guilliman. 


Drake Seta


  1. I'm happy that he's alive, but I can't help but feel he seems a bit comic booky.

    1. Sorry, I thank you all for brining this picture to us! And Armel is right, he is probably cool in person.

    2. He does look a bit better in the promotional video:

  2. The picture probably does not do him justice, but I'm sure he'll look better once we get cleaner shots. Anyway, thanks so much for bringing the community these early shots!

    1. I think you're right. The perspective is really wonky. For instance, where is his right arm?
      If you cover up the Thousand Sons guy in the foreground, it looks a lot better.
      Also, it's impossible to judge the lighting of the shot--and what that would do to the look of the model--from a picture of a gloss magazine page.
      All in all I have to imagine this isn't how the PR guys were hoping this rollout would go, though there is a lot of promise here. I'll admit, I'm going to stay tuned for more.

  3. Two things jump out at me. He looks the size of a demon Prince. Those marines look as dark as crimson fists

  4. He will go great with my forgeworld Guilliman!

  5. Also I am curious how the loyalist primarchs will compete with the traitor primarchs who are all "juiced up" by chaos. Most of the Loyal ones were more or less "normal." Using Guilliman as an example he barely held ground against Lorgar and definitely would have lost vs Lorgar/Angron combo in Betrayer. Since Lorgar/Angron are demon princes so presumable more powerful while Guilliman was "asleep." He does look badass. I assume that is his incandor blade and dominion fist?

    1. Too me it looks like.he has the emperos blade. Maybe guiliman will take the sword sword given to him by the emperor to lead the rebellion against all xenos i have no idea what is going to happen but i do have sources in gw admin who said their is rumor guilman will regroup all loyal primarchs and work together. The emperor dies and comes back as a perpetual or some shit. Another scenario is the emperor channels his power throug guliman i duno we have to wait but it will be fucki g big

  6. Replies
    1. yup, seems so. GW confirms it on their Warhammer Community webpage post

  7. Really disappointed with that sculpt, for such a huge release he looks really bad.

    1. The cypher model looks great though

    2. I know what you mean, I'm probably just going to use forge worlds model.

  8. I'm interested to see how the dark angels will react to guilliman working with fallen angels... though i suppose, in guillimans eyes, nothing has changed.

    Still though, that cypher model! Phwoar!! I'm gonna need 2, one as is and one for some 30k lovin.

    1. Word going around is that Cypher caps Ababdon on tera with his bolt pistol.
      Kinda would go along way to his redemption.

    2. I don't think that would happen in this book personally. There was the rumour awhile ago that stated there were going to be five campaigns over the course of two years. We are only on the second campaign so far. Personally if Abby gets capped, I think it will happen at the end of the 5th campaign.

  9. Not a fan of Guilliman. Want to remain positive but finding it difficult. I wanted this for 20 years. Be careful what you wish for...

    1. He looks very cartoony in my opinion.

      But I reckon he'll look a lot better in person.

  10. Compared to the fw model this looks kinda... bad. Sorry but i kinda get a weird comic book vibe from this. At least he'll be able to light up cigars for creed with his kneetorches

    1. Agree with you there. With that pose as well - he may as well be flinching from Kryptonite! Far too comic book

  11. Im happy to see the story is advancing. Im interested to see who else comes back. I also wonder what this means for games workshop how bad are they hurting for money. Also dose this mean the company might be ending the 40k universe. (keep in mind if they do have "end times" they can still make stories because the universe is huge. I think they will go more towards video games and the black library. I would love to see more 40k games.

    1. GW is doing better than ever at the last financial report... it's not going to End 40k, its the Goose that lays the golden egg. They have already given licences out for computer games, and they have said themselves several times that the are predominantly a model company, so they are not going to move anywhere.

  12. I like Rawbutt. He does look comic book-y, I agree. However I think this is a nice counterpoint to his more static/commanding (boring?) pose in 30K.

  13. Uber goofy! still, cheaper to get than the FW one

  14. My world eaters love killing ultramarines, I can't wait to kill their primarch. Hopefully I can do it with daemon Angron soon, finish the job started in betrayer

  15. I like the model. It looks like how I imagine a primarch would look in a 40k setting as opposed to the 30k.

    Honestly, I like it better than the 30k version. This one will look great in battle reports while the 30k version looks good on my shelf as a display piece (which is what it is currently doing).

  16. This guy is gonna look Great with all those Ultramarines Symbols shaved off, a giant chainsword in place of the Burning Blade.. and a nice coat of yellow and Gold.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Nice - I'm thinking of giving him a shave too, keeping the sword and giving him a damn big claw - then painting him in marble effect!

  17. So what happens to Marneus now?


    He definitely looks like Optimus Prime

    1. WOW!!! Just saw the Warhammer community post you posted and GW beat FW to the punch with giving their first loyalist primarch a helmet option.... Well, no excuses now FW!!!

    2. That is by far the best likeness description anyone's given on any website today!!!!

  19. How do we even know this model is real and not fan made have we got any proof where was this foto taken. Im a big ultra fan dont want to be let down please

  20. Wow!!! GW and their "Hero" proportions... Roboute looks a little cartoony but still dynamic and Kool. I like his pose better than FW's Roboute. NOW CYPHER..... DAAAAMMMMNNNN!!!! BADASS!!!!

  21. So it appears from the armour and helmet that when Roboute is wearing, he traded in his heresy era armour for a 40k updated edition... MKVII it looks like

  22. that guilliman model looks awful, what a fail

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