Sunday, 13 January 2019

Genestealer Cult: Troops

Hi all

With the imminent arrival of a new wave of Genestealer Cults, I thought this weekend would be a good time to get a head start, by working through some of my current Genestealer Cult models. 

I am a big fan of large infantry based armies. Therefore, I have spent all day assembling Neophyte Hybrids.

My aim, is to have a total of 6 squads of 10 each. 3 being more long range, with autoguns, and the longer ranged special/heavy weapons. Meanwhile, the other 3 will be better at close range, armed with shotguns, and melee weapons for the leaders.

These will take up the majority of my time over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for updates. 

One question I did want to ask, we know that there is still more new Genestealer Cults models to be revealed, so what do you think it could be? 

Take care :-)


  1. Think it’s the smaller Goliath Buggy (cartoon version seen in video) and the Medic type mini, also seen in video briefly but not featured in Warhammer Community post.

    1. Thanks. I will have to rewatch the video and look out for it

  2. It’s one of the best ranges I have seen. I would like to see some more models which have some mining tech / equipment put to nefarious use.
    Doing good though. Infantry heavy armies are the best.

    1. I was thinking something like that. A big mining laser on wheels.

  3. This may seem a trolling comment, but I have to ask as a fan (albeit a faltering one) of this blog.

    But is this still a 30k blog?

    Or just another 40k blog that happens to also include shed building?

    If it's the later then it may be worth renaming the subheading of the site.

    I post this with no vitriol, or wish to provoke a reaction. Mearly the view that it has lost its way.

    1. Hmmm I never thought this was just a 39K blog.

    2. Hi Sanguis.

      The blog very much started as a Warhammer 40,000 blog before Heresy came out. Then we jumped on board HH when everyone was being disappointed with 6th Ed. Now there is a tremendous divide between the community of people who like 7th Ed (Age of Darkness) and people like me who don’t like the rule set and would prefer HH to go to 8th edition. So although you will still see HH content on here, most of the more active authors have returned to 40k as they prefer the game. As such, you will most likely be seeing more 40k on here. Sorry if this disappoints you.

  4. Nice work! I loved working on the cult models, such nice sculpts and very characterful.

    1. Yea I am loving doing them, and they are not to difficult to paint ether. Really looking forward to the new stuff coming
