Wednesday 9 November 2022

Horus Heresy: Primus Medicae kit bash guide.

Eyecon74 noticed the lack of a model for a Primus Medicae, they very rarely pop up on eBay and even then they are insane prices !
So let’s see what he can up with below. 

So, with that in mind, I went on a quest to create my very own Medicae !

- A Cataphractii Terminator
- Dark Angels Command Terminator body front (there are 5 different ones)
- Narthecium from the Grey Knights Kit (altho the Deathwing one will also work)
- Ruststalker Stub Carabine
- Necron Spyder Needle arm
- 1 Serberys Raider Pouch

Parts are usually available from bits traders or eBay. 

Prep, clean the Torso and remove any Dark Angel iconography (unless you want to make a DA Primus Medicae of course !)

Building the Primus was fairly straightforward, the DA Torso Front fits half decent on the Cataphractii rear body, takes a bit of cutting, filling and sanding, but nothing too taxing.

To make the Body Fit on the legs you will need to trim some of the top of the legs off so it is a smooth fit.

The Needle Pistol was made from a Rust Stalker Stub Carabine and the Needle from the Necron Spyder Needle arm.  Just cut the barrel off and carefully cut the Needle bit from the Spyper Arm, now just glue it onto the carabine.

Serberys Pouch is completely optional, but fitted just right, and I felt a Medic would have some emergency supplies for battlefield conditions.

I'm very happy with the finished result.

If I make another one I will try to do a how to guide with pics, the way I usually work is just fit bits and glue them without taking any pics!

Few pics attached of completed build.

We at Battle Bunnies think that what he has created is exceptional. 

You can view our latest Battle Report here:

1 comment:

  1. Great conversion! Thank you for listing the different parts – all the easier to replicate it!
