Sunday 6 November 2022

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Army Set - Slaves to Darkness review

Welcome to another review from the team at Battle Bunnies, I’m KiralRed and very excited to talk about this Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Army Set for Slaves to Darkness. This new set, which will soon be gracing the weapon racks at your local hobby store, was kindly provided by Games Workshop for this review. Ever since this box was shown off at the NOVA Open the furry mittens of the Battle Bunnies have been eager to take a peek beneath our cursed helms and slap on our Marks of Chaos.
Unless you’ve heard whispers from the chaos gods, or have spotted mischiefness nurglings in your postbox, you’ll be unaware of what lies within this box so let us begin there. This army set comes decorated with new Slaves to Darkness artwork of Daemon Princes and Chaos Chosen. On the reverse we see a full colour photo spread of the actually miniatures in their painted glory.

Upon breaking the seal and peering inside we’re greeted with a brimful of sprues. This army box boasts a complete set of new miniatures for the Slaves to Darkness range;
Daemon Prince
10x Chaos Chosen 3x Ogroid Theridons
Here are the sprues for those with the interest.

 In addition, we have a special edition hardback Warhamer: Age of Sigmar battletome, a large-format warscroll deck, gaming tokens and an enhancement card deck. The enhancement deck is a really appreciated addition to the set, make it easy to track your traits, artefacts, spell lores and banners selections during the game.

Seeing the warcy warbands having warscrolls within this book is a nice addition for those wanting to use these in AOS. Thanks GW.
Working through the box it was an enjoyable experience to build all the models. Beginning with the new daemon prince which features a few weapon options, wings or trophy racks and four different chaos god heads. The sprues were nicely laid out so components were close to one another rather than spread onto different sprues. I opted for the nurgle head, wings and daemonic axe (Rend -2 and flat Damage 2). It was also good to see a choice of leg poses. There are several different combinations if you’re someone who wishes to pick up multiple sets on release. Interestingly, the prince sprues had a number of component left over, they appear to be 40k parts for power fists and backpack.

 The Chaos Chosen in the box are detailed in the instructions to build ten different variations with some sharing the same torso but different weapon arms. On the warscroll they can be equipped with Soul Spitters and the sprues give you quite a choice of swords, axes, hammers alongside the command squad options too. Very nice to see. The icon bearer can either have a fabric banner or a metallic icon so if you wish to build the chosen as two units of five then you can easily have differences to represent these two units on the tabletop. Using the Pitched Battle profile then you’ll want these as two squads of five anyway. The sprues have a wealth of spares, giving you enough heads to have bare or helmets for all.

 The Ogroid Theridons in the box come as a unit of 3 and from the warscroll you can give them either Goroan Falchions or Goroan Great Axes. Since the instructions show you both weapon options and the command version I built mine as a Champion, Standard Bearer and Musician: a nice unit of 3 for 190pts. These assembled well and had choices of horn styles and shields (if you built them with Goroan Falchions. Different chaos icons were available for each model depending on your chosen chaos god.I built for Nurgle.

The book has a wealth of lore and artwork - perfect for a night reading by the light of a brazier!

In addition, as someone who hasn’t painted Slaves to Darkness before it was very welcome to see painting guides for armour, different skins and varied schemes for each Mark of Chaos.

  It’s fair to say i have a lot to learn and select from this new Slaves to Darkness battletome but as a ‘first start’ using the army set this is my list of 865 points.

Damned Legion: Host of the Everchosen (Leader) Daemon Prince - 195pts
Mark of Chaos: Nurgle Daemonic Axe
(Battleline) Chaos Chosen (5) 240pts Soul Splitter (5)
Exalted Champion
Icon Bearer (carrying The Eroding Icon (Nurgle)) Skull Drummer
(Battleline) Chaos Chosen (5) 240pts Soul Splitter (5)
Exalted Champion
Icon Bearer (carrying The Blasphemous Icon) Skull Drummer
Ogroid Theridons (3) - 190pts Goroan Great Axe
 Mark of Chaos: Nurgle Champion
Standard bearer Musician

This army set is the perfect accompanyment to the new Slaves to Darkness battletome and just in time for Christmas too. I know i’m keen to begin a Slaves to Darkness colleciton and will be picking up a few of the existing range to take the list to 1,000 points.


1 comment:

  1. Very nice! Can you show some size comparisons, expecially for new Daemon Prince along old Daemon Prince/Be'Lakor/Chaos Warriors?
