Saturday 21 January 2023

Lord Castellan Ursula Creed


Games Workshop were kind enough to send us Ursula Creed as a review item and I was asked to get her painted up and show her off for you. She was a great model to work on; there's plenty of detail between her and the base, but nothing horrifically complex. I decided to go with a classic Cadian 8th colour scheme for her rather than the box art colours.

First impressions for the kit was that she comes in a cardboard box rather than the plastic clam-packs we've seen for some characters previously. The box art is quite nice and is in keeping with the new style of 40k boxes we've seen.

On opening the box, I was expecting to find two small sprues held within a black plastic holder like we've seen for kits like some of the Space Marine characters. Instead, there's one larger sprue about half the size of a 'normal' sprue which houses all the components. She's mounted on a 32mm base.

The kit comes with a couple of options for her head and left arm. She can optionally wear a helmet, and you can swap the rod she's holding for a set of binoculars. There's a different collar for her jacket and epaulettes if you go for the binoculars.

The scenic base is about right in my opinion; I'm not a fan of massively overwrought bases which double the size of a mini and force you into one particular basing style (I've got form for removing Primarchs from scenic bases!). GW certainly got Creed's base right - It lifts her a little and gives her some presence on the table, but isn't over the top. I've kept the basing style simple for the moment, and can embellish it to match the rest of the army as they're progressed.

For ease of painting, I kept Creed off her base and also painted her head separately; this was due to the depth of her collar and the complexity of the metalwork behind her which might have limited the angles I could have accessed to paint her.

Until next time.

Cadia Stands!

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